Friday, January 18, 2008

Semester 1 Review Units 1,2,3

These topics will show up on the cumulative exam next week. Make sure you understand all aspects of each topic because some will be linked to more than 1 question.

1. Bill of Rights
2. Articles of Confederation
3. Native Americans (at least 3 questions)
4. Hartford Convention
5. Northwest Ordinance and Land Ordinance (3 questions)
6. nullification
7. Marbury v. Madison and judicial review
8. Missouri Compromise
9. John Peter Zenger
10. Revolution of 1800
11. Embargo Act and non-Intercourse Act
12. Common Sense
13. Louisiana Purchase
14. Jacksonian Democracy
15. Federalists and anti-Federalists
16. cotton gin
17. Clay’s American System
18. Significance of the War of 1812
19. Shay’s Rebellion
20. Wilmot Proviso
21. Nativists
22. Abolition movement and other reform movements of mid-1800’s
23. Horace Mann
24. Dorothea Dix
25. Seneca Falls Convention
26. popular sovereignty
27. Kansas-Nebraska Act
28. Lincoln Douglas Debates
29. John Brown
30. Freedmen’s Bureau
31. border states
32. black codes
33. Hinton Helper
34. Reconstruction Amendments

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