Thursday, August 30, 2007


Welcome to APUSH! Please begin by writing a comment of your choosing to show me that you have access to the blog. I will need to be aware of your username so I can give you credit for all future comments. Example: :"hey mr. wise this is joe smith, my username this year will be: joecool59"


geedub27 said...


frumpyjack said...

hey mr wise u r

\\X// ] |_ 1 [ /\ (V) said...
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\\X// ] |_ 1 [ /\ (V) said...

Hey Mr. Wise, it's William Anongdeth in your Period 3 APUSH class, this is my username \\X// ] |_ 1 [ /\ (V).

Marcus Jones II said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Marcus Jones II from your period three AP US class. See you Thursday.

historykid16 said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Brittany Cruz from your period 1 APUSH class. historykid16 is my username.

Gio1022 said...

Hi Mr. Wise. This is Giovanna Baza from your 1st period APUSH class. My username is Gio1022. See you Thursday Morning!

103wrestler said...

H3y Mr. Wise this is Alyssa Moreno from period one. My user name this year will be 103wrestler. thank you

caligurl4life310 said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Chelsey Washington from your 3rd period class. My user name is "caligurl4life310". :)

caligurl4life310 said...
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hyphyqueen408 said...

Hey mr. Wise its Jessica Manzo form your 3rd period apush class..see you thursday!

latina said...

hi mr.wise my name is Laura Ortiz. im in your 3rd period ap class and my user name is latina.

kobe17 said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Karan Oberoi from your period 1 APUSH class. My username is kobe17.

Rsvltmustang said...

Hey Mr. Wise
Bryan Esparza PD. 3
U need to make a myspace...way ezier.
Anyways..Hook me up wit a couple
x-tra credit points wen u can. haha
L8er Alligator

whatevs_trishh said...

Hi Mr. Wise,
This is Tritia Antonio from your first period AP US History class. This is my username: whatevs_trishh

lakers_117 said...

Hey Mr. Wise,

It's Aditya from period 3. My username is lakers_117

obviouslymatt said...

hey mr.w. this is matt hulsey from period 1. my username is obviouslymatt

gogreen09 said...

hey mr wise its jackie castillo from 1st period. my username is gogreen09

Anonymous said...

guess who? ^-^
yeah...Esther Lee from your 3rd period apush class! and my username is "Flo<3"

WRESTLER said...

Hey Mr wise its Dylan Cataline from first period and my user name is WRESTLER

JTSmith111 said...

Hello Mr. Wise!

This is Joshua Smith from your 3rd Period APUSH class.

My Username is: JTSmith111

christi815 said...
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christi815 said...

Mr. Wise!
this is Christine Wang from 3rd period. my username is christi815 =]

lauren13 said...

Hey this is Lauren Taylor from your period 2 APUSH class, and my display name is lauren13.

viaeenie said...

Hey Mr. Wise!

This is Victoria Hoang from your 2nd period APUSH class. My username is viaeenie.

lil chris said...
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lil chris said...

Hey Mr. Wise, it is chris coloso from APUSH period 3 & psychology period 6, my user name is lil chris. See you tomorrow and Friday :D

mZ.dAy said...


mashugna said...

mr wise its Joshua A frm 3rd pd

jenny_16 said...

hi. Mr. wise, its jen erazo
from your 2nd. per.
my username is jenny_16

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Wise!! Its Kayla Elliott in your 2nd period APUSH class! My username is KAYLA09!!

tinkerbell09 said...

Hey Mr. Wise this is Leah Blackburn from your 2nd period apush class and your 6th period pysch class. My username is tinkerbell09

Heather Wilson said...

Hey MR. Wise. It's Heather Wilson from your 2nd period class. This is my user name. I'll see ya Friday!

Norma_Garcia_5 said...

hey Mr. Wise, this is Norma from your 2nd period class. my username is ngar55555.


NOW ITS JUST N.M. &then N.


hippyblossom143 said...

Mister Wise, I endow you with my personally magnificent username, which is mentioned above.. :P

its jill by the way..

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Wise this is Hannah Diffenderffer, I am in your second period ap american history class.

chicocolombiano26 said...

hey mr. wise its alex rodriguez from ur 2nd period ap us history class and 6th period psychology...
my username is chicocolombiano26

Anonymous said...

Mr.Wise this is Sam Ngeru my screen name is...well it's at the top, so yea.

raiders10 said...

Hello mr wise is andrew corless from 1st period

MizChinkyEyez said...

Hey Mr. Wise!!

This is Kasey Choi from your 2nd period APUSH class. My username is MizChinkyEyez.

liddoshrtchik said...

hey mr. wise this is jessica west.. and my user name will be..


which means .. little short chick.. ahhahahhaa okay!!

well .. i think you are AWESOME!!

ok.. bye:]

JayAguilar86 said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this Is Jeremiah Aguilar - most people just call me Jeremy - from 1st period APUSH. This is my blog account and my user name is "JayAguilar86".

Aalairius said...

Hey Mr. Wise this is Spencer Craig from your 3rd period class and this will be my user name for the blog

weeshabangxd said...

Hey Mr. Wise. It's Arabella Layugan from Period 1 APUSH. This will be my username... again. Haha. :D

happylilboozer said...

hey wise old man lennae here

MAR said...
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MAR said...

Hi Mr. Wise. This is Allison Santos from APUSH 1st period. Obviously, my screename is mar.

*ely29* said...

Hey mr.wise my name is Eliana Huacuja from your 3rd period class and my username is *fabia*.Bye

be happpy said...

hii mr. wisee (:
this is mallory martinez in your period one APUSH class!
myy usernamee iss be happpy
see you tommorow<3

Anonymous said...

hi mr.wise this Joselin Perea from 3rd period and 6th period and my user name will be "fabulous"

LotsOfLove said...

hey Mr.wise,
its Ashley Hernandez from your lovely period 2 APUSH class.
My Username is LotsOfLove

mondile said...
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mondile said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Mondi from Period 1 Apush and my e-mail is

Anonymous said...

hey mr. wise its ayla altis from ur 2nd per. apush. my screename is i<3drummers

kwix0419 said...

Hey mr. wise its alan nguyen from your period 1 class.

darkruler said...

Mr. Wise its cody from 2nd period. My username is darkruler.

Anonymous said...

sup, i'm Jonathan Contreras from your period 2 class, my username is /V\URCI3LAGO.

JessiNicole said...

Hey Mr.WIse!!
its jessi form first period!!

my username is just JessiNicole.

MikeB said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Michael Bench from 2nd period APUSH. My user name is MikeB.

James Owns You :] said...



ceejayjay said...

H3y Mr. Wise this is CJ SANTIAGO from period 1. My user name this year will be ceejayjay

LucKy said...

well well, looks like another year with you mr.wise..... what to do what to do.... :-P anyways this is your favorite student in the whole wide world which you never want to leave your class!!!!! Lauren Fransz, be proud. hahah j/k but if you haven't figured it out yet by all of these coments my UN is LucKy....btw i never knew how popular u were...j/k

millerm said...

hey mr. wise ths is michael miller from your 3 preiod. my display name is millerm

Justinee Wienee said...

Hey Mr. Wise. Its Justine from your first period APUSH class.

chadbrochill23 said...

hey Mr. Wise
this is bijan from ur 2nd period APUSH class see u tomarrow

chadbrochill23 said...

hey Mr. Wise this is Bijan Souri from ur 2nd period APUSH class see u tomarrow

IAmHidalgo said...

Mr. Wise, this is Kevin Bletcher from your 3rd period US History AP Class. My username is IAmHidalgo. See you Monday.

1iszt1eistdie1iste said...

#3Ч |v||2. \|/153! 7#1$ 15 813/\/ 81|_|_3[)0 ph|20|v| |o. 7#|233!
Ψ0(_) [)0//7 5|o34k 1337?

hey mr. wise this is bien
billedo from p. three!
you don't speak 1337!?

natalie said...

hey mr.wise. this is natalie larios in your 1st period apush class. my user name is going to be natalie

luoyuejia said...

This is Albert Luo from your period 2 APUSH class.

Marissa Washington said...

Hi Mr. Wise, this is Marissa Washington from your APUSH P.3 classs and mu username is Marissa Washington.

kcfellizaaaaarrrr said...

hey mr wise, it's kristine fellizar from your APUSH 3rd period class

veg_girl09 said...

hey mr wise. its jackie castillo from 1st period. my new display name is veg_girl09. i changed it because my other one didn't work remember??? so yea this is my new one

schiller_3 said...

hey Mr. wise it is ariel schiller form second period ap us history my user name is schiller_3

Ryan Mayes period 1 said...

hey whats up!!!!
this is ryan mayes from 1st period

veg_girl09 said...

just checking to see if this works

vOlLeYcHiCk8 said...

hi mr. wise this is adrianna bookout gonzalez from your APUSH period 2 and my display name is vOlLeYcHiCk8

briana's cool :] said...

mr wiseeee :]
its briana from second periodd.
and my name is brianas cool
okayy bye

briana's cool :] said...

heyyy mr wise.
i dont think it worked.
butt this is briana hinojos from your second ap us history class
my name is brianas cool

okayy peace.

pnut0613 said...

hey mr. wise i know im late
but this is kassondra vargs from 3rd period. and my user name is pnut0613.

infamousNDN said...

Hey Mr. Wise, this is Ronny Basanti from your 1st period class, my username this year will be: "infamousNDN".


Hey Mr. Wise,
this is Nahson Wren from your 2nd period APUSH class.

Yazmin13 said...

this is yazmin gonzalez from period 2 and my username is yazmin13

gr@c3kim said...

hey mr.wise this is grace kim from ur period 3 class
gr@c3kim is my username

love108 said...

Hey Mr.Wise its Michelle Gonzalez from 2nd period.
my user name is love108

Hend said...

Hey Mr. wise, this is Hend from period 2 APUSH class Hend is my username

patelz2000 said...

Hey, it's Jay Patel. I'm sorry the post is late but I just got internet setup at my home.

SexaayyBeast1 said...

hey Mr. Wise this is Dylan Russell in your 3rd period class..
just thought i would let everyone know that my name is way better then theres hands down cause im the cooolest cat around town you dig!

TeDDyMuNd said...

Hello Mr. Wise. This is Tedmund Nguyen from your.. 1st period class

AP Wiseman said...

good job guys!

Rsvltmustang said...

just checking to see if it still works....

midgetsXruleXtheXworld91 said...

maranda hamrick 3rd period

Jenna Porretta said...

Mr.Wise,this is Jenna Porretta from first period APSUH.
my username is Jenna Porretta
thank you.

brownie-pants said...

hey mr.wise its nikhila.

fishbowlsurfer said...

Emmanuel Guerrero.
First Period.

The Moss said...

Hey Mr. Wise. This is Massimo from your 3rd period. My username is The Moss.

Kayvman625 said...

Hey Mr. Wise, it's me, Kayvan Sasaninia, from your first period class. My user name is Kayvman625

princess**** said...

hey mr.wise
wats up
this is liseth espinoza from your
per. 2

kobe1017 said...

mr. wise...i cant remember my old password so i made a new account.
its Karan Oberoi from p.1
my new username is kobe1017

Anonymous said...

Hi, im Bijan Sasaninia from your 3rd period class, my screen name is Bijan79

Anonymous said...

hey mr wise. sorry so late, this is Ashleigh Wells from your 3rd Period APUSH class.

my user name is obvious...