Monday, September 10, 2007

The Conquistadors

Reread the section on the Conquistadors in your textbook. Research one conquistador mentioned in chapter 1. Pick one that you can argue was the most significant. Write a paragraph explaining why the conquistador you chose is the most important. You can earn extra credit if you choose a conquistador other than Cortes and Pizarro. Sorry for the late post, your deadline this week is extended to Saturday by noon.


Marcus Jones II said...

Why must I be the first. I will just wait so I can gather my ideas.

midgetsXruleXtheXworld91 said...

Vasco Nunez Balboa is an important conquistador because he opened up the pacific for possibilites.
Before him, everyone traveled on the Atlantic ocean. Balboa reached the Americas by the Pacific makeing it known that it was there.After him people reliezed that there is more to the country then they initially relized.

latina said...

I believe that Vasco Nunez Balboa is the very important because he discovered the Pacific Ocean. He saw it from a mountaintop in Panama. Four days after he went and claimed its shoes for Spain. Thanks to his discovery Spain was able to make more explorations as well as conquest along the western side of South America. Many conquistadores came after him and thanks to him the Pacific Ocean was opened to Spanish explorers. He established the nature of America.

Rsvltmustang said...

Balboa was a important conquistador because he explored the impossible. everyone thought going out west was a death sentence and was useless. but Balbioa gave everybody hope looking for north america. without Balboa the Spanish might not of found America till a couple decades later.

Anonymous said...

Even though he was on the same conquest as all the other conquistadors Francisco Coronado served another purpose. He was fortified with men, weapons, and large provisions of food. This would account for how long he would last in the New World. Francisco Coronado is important because he can be attributed with the founding of two American landmarks. The Grand Canyon, and The Colorado River. Although his purpose was originally for the conquest of gold Francisco Coronado found some amazing American attractions that are still here to this day........................and thats all i gots to say about that

Norma_Garcia_5 said...
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Norma_Garcia_5 said...

In my opinion, Ferdinand Magellan was one of the most important conquistadors. He was a Portuguese explorer, therefore since Spain was always trying to get ahead of Portugal, this made a great contribution to the Spanish success in South America and somewhat in North America and in the Spice Islands. Magellan asked the King of Portugal to support his journey but he refuesed. Hence, he had to beg the King of Spain to help support his jorney. Of course he agreed because he knew that Magellan knew a lot about navigation because he had worked for the Queen of Portugal. While working for her as her messenger, he learned about many Portuguese discoveries and the navigation systems they used. Therefore Magellan became very important to the Spanish. Since he was Portuguese the Spanish sailors didnt want to go with him on his journey so he had to get men that were just out of prison or anyone who signed up eventhough they had no knowledge on sailing. He took five ships on his voyage: the Santiago, the San Antonio, the Conception, the Trinidad, and the Victoria. When he set out on his journey he came across by the Philippines where he was killed by its inhabitants. Just one vessel was able to return which made it the first to circumnavigate the globe.

hyphyqueen408 said...

A conquistador who i believed to be very important is Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan has made big time contributions to the world and spain at the time....Ferdinand was portuguese explorer who had worked for the royal family in Spain. Which is how he finally convinced the king of Spain to financially support his journey. The king helped him with a crew of prisoner's and five ships, The Trinidad, San Antonio, The Santiago, The Concepion, and Victora. HIs epedition was the first to circumnavigate the world. But unfortunatlly he was unexpctically killed in the Philipines During the Battle of Mactan, a little past the spice islands. But his ships still made it, and were the first expedition to sail westward from Europe to Asia, and across the pacific ocean.
<3 jessica manzo per.3 <3

hyphyqueen408 said...

hey mr. wise for some strange reason my blog got earased so my new one is this one ...jessica manzo period 3 apush

lakers_117 said...

Francisco Coronado was the most important of the conquistadores. For one, he explored a very large area stretching through present day New Mexico ,Arizona, Texas and as far east as Kansas while in search of golden cities. Although he didn't find thoses cities, he did discover the Grand Canyon and encountered herds of buffalo on his voyage. Also, most importantly, he was the only conquistadore to explore the southwest and if it weren't for his voyage, that area would have remained relatively unexplored for a very long time.

latina said...

i agree with midgetsxrulexthexworld91 becuas vasco did open up the pacific up. like he said everyone made travels through the atlantic so when he discovered the pacific it opened up new routes.

latina said...


latina said...

hey mr.wise i changed my display name to latina. It used to be laura elena ortiz. but i wanted to change it. Oh and the first comment i sent you, sorry about that. It was a mistake.

Heather Wilson said...

Ferdinand Magellan is an important conquistador because he traveled from Spain to try and find a westward route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia with five tiny ships in 1519. He manuvered through the storm-lashed strait of South America, which still bares his name, and was slain by the inmhabitants of the Phillippines during the Battle of Mactan. He was one of the first individuals to cross the meridians of the globe and to complete the first circumnavigation of the globe. He is also important because he discovered the Philippines, which was unknown to the west and he was also the first to enter the Pacific from the Magellan Strait, which he also discovered.

midgetsXruleXtheXworld91 said...

I agree with //heather re-nee// about magellen being important.He is the first to go around the world.
I also agree with righteousprofit on coronado.He found the grand canion and the clorado river.

lakers_117 said...

I agree with hyphyqueen408 about the importance of Magellan as his expedition was the first to circumnavigate the world. That was a pretty important step forward toward more dicovery and expedition in the years to follow.

Also, I agree with laura elena ortiz about Balboa. His expedition enabled later Spanish explorers to explore the Pacific coast of the Americas and thus learn more about the new world.

viaeenie said...

Hernando de Soto is an important conquistador who had spent years searching for a seaway to China in order to trade Spain's New World gold. Along the expedition, he discovered and crossed Mississippi River. It was unfortunate for his death that the expedition had ended so disastrously. Even so, it was one of the most elaborate and persistent efforts made by the Spaniards to explore deeper into the interior of North America. It was the first extensive exploration of at least six of the Southern states: South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Although he did not acquire gold and founded no colonies, he did manage to form a relationship between the Natives and the Europeans. Also, his expedition led the Spanish crown to reconsider Spain’s view towards its colonies which enabled him to create a claim on large parts of the North Americas for the Spaniards.

Unknown said...

Vasco Nunez de Balboa a spanish explorer, governer, and conquistador. He traveled to the New World in 1500 and settled in Hispaniola. He was also the one who founded Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien which is located in present day panama in the year 1510. He was known for the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. In 1522 the only ship remanining returned home completing the first "circumnavigation" of the world.

Unknown said...
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brownie-pants said...

Vasco Nunez de Balboa a spanish explorer, governer, and conquistador. He traveled to the New World in 1500 and settled in Hispaniola. He was also the one who founded Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien which is located in present day panama in the year 1510. He was known for the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. In 1522 the only ship remanining returned home completing the first "circumnavigation" of the world.

obviouslymatt said...

Franciso Cornado, in search for the mythical golden cities, found the pueblo indians all throughout Arizona and New Mexico. Also, on his expedition across the new world he discovered what is considered to be some of Americas greatest natural wonders today, the Grand Canyon and the Colorado river. He was one of the few and only conquitadots to explore the southwest portion of what is the United States today.

brownie-pants said...

ignore the nikhila post.

mondile said...

Ferdinand Magellan played a vital role in the history of conquistadors because he first attempted the navigation across the world. He was a Portugeuse explorer searching for a westward route route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. While he did not have the chance to complete his voyage because he died in the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines, he became the first to cross all the meridans of the globe. Along with him being the first person to lead an expedition sailing westward from Europe to Asia, he was also the first to enter the Pacific Ocean by the Strait of Magellan, which he discovered. Magellan remains to be an immensely important conquistador because he attemped the voyage, which prompted other voyagers to complete the journey he died before reaching. Yet, his vessel did circumnavigate the globe, just without him.

fishbowlsurfer said...

even Though Cortes Is Probably the most famous (or infamous depending on your point of view)conquistador, i think he deserves to be called the most important conquistador of all time. He was a tricky, lying, snake of a man, but very brave, i have to admit. He went against the governor of Cuba several times. Married Velázquez's sister, then went with malinche. escaping the law, being called a traitor then a hero, Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca. If that isn't a daring man, then i don't know what is!

Gio1022 said...
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Gio1022 said...

Well, I believe Vasco Nunez de Balboa was centuries ahead of his time. He discovered the largest ocean in the world, the Pacific, and as if that was a small accomplishment, he claimed all of the lands touched by that vast immensity for his king. Also, the discovery was also made a while before anyone thought of exploring the west coasts of the New World. Therefore, Balboa was of vital importance in the exploration of the Conquistadores.

Gio1022 said...

I also agree with what obviouslymatt about Coronado. Franciso Coronado did indeed find wonders that we would come to cherish and marvel at in modern times. The fact that he explored the Southwest before many others also contributes to his importance.

historykid16 said...

I think Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo is the most significant conquistador.
This is because he was the first explorer to venture up the California coast even though he missed the San Francisco Bay. Without Cabrillo, Father Junipero Serra would have never gone to California to found the mission system or to actually form California into a worthy place. Cabrillo opened the doors to what is the most populated state today and a major coastline for the later European colonists.

luoyuejia said...

Ferdinand Magellan was, in my opinion, a very important conquistador as he did complete many first-timers for Europeans. He was held the first successful attempt to circumnavigate the glove although he didn't live to see the last run westward. He was the first to enter the Pacific from the Strait of Magellan which is a landmark in which he discovered and he was also the first European to enter the series of islands known to become the Phillipines which later became an important trade center.

In response to "laura elena ortiz," I agree that Balboa did play an important role in discovering the Pacific Ocean since if it wasn't discovered, explorers would have taken a much longer way to explore the western side of the Americas.

Also, I agree with historykid16 because Cabrillo's discovery of California is very important since it has become the state we live in.

Marcus Jones II said...

Okay, I have gathered my thoughts. I think the most important conquistador is Vasco Núñez de Balboa because he discovered the Pacific ocean. Not only that but he found the first permanent European settlement in the Americas. I personally like him because he found the Pacific ocean which also opened the coast of modern-day California. I also liked the fact that he got everyone away from the Atlantic ocean for a while. ---TNBB or Mjonesii_

Marcus Jones II said...

I would like to respond to everyone who said that they think Ferdinand Magellan is the most important conquistador. He was NOT a conquistador. He was a Portuguese explorer. HE never was one.

Marcus Jones II said...

I agree with ObviouslyMatt about Coronado. He opened another new land, found the Grand Canyon ( although he probably didnt) but he was a very important. His discovery helped us slowly just get USA. -

latina said...

I agree with nikhila because i agree that Vasco was an important conquistador. He made a big discovery that brought new ones along with it.

The Moss said...
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The Moss said...
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The Moss said...

I think that Vasco Nunes Balboa is a very important conquistador. He discovered the Pacific Ocean and then claimed all land that was adjacent to it in Americas to Spain. I think that he is important because he started the building the west which is where the majority of people live in present day times.

The Moss said...

I agree with history kid 16 because opening up California was very important. Especially because it is one of the most populated states in America.

The Moss said...

I like what Lakers_17 said. He/she (lol) said that the southwest wouldn't be explored for a LONG TIME.......not that it would never be found or explored.

mashugna said...

Vasco Nunez Balboa is one of the most important conquistador because he was the first across the pacific and the first on the western side. Balboa open the eyes of spain by finding the route across the pacific. This let spain in on lots of valueables.

JayAguilar86 said...

Balboa was a conquistador that played a crucial role in Spain's development. He "discovered" the Pacific Ocean and in that he opened to doors to not only the Spanish, but also to the Portugese. He definetly opened a window of opportunity as far as settlement on the west coast of South America.

newcrew09 said...

I believe that Vasco Nunez Balboa was a very important conquistador. He brought a whole new way of travel when he discovered the Atlantic Ocean. His discovery broadened people horizons that his traveling the way he did was not a plea for death but a whole new way that made some places faster for others to get to.

newcrew09 said...

i agree with gio1022, Balboa found the largest ocean in the world. his discovery was incredible.

newcrew09 said...

i disagree with lakers_117 coronado was not the most important, his discovery of the grand canyon wasnt really a discovery because im sure the indians that lived there had already discovered that and the buffalo i know had been already discovered by indians..

whatevs_trishh said...

I believe that Vasco Nunez Balboa is one of the more important conquistadors of the 16th century. Balboa proved himself an important man of history by making the great discoveries of the Pacific Ocean and Panama. He is hailed as an extreme conquistador for exploring the west seas, conquering tribes, and venturing through different lands of unknown all the while in the aim and goal of bringing fame to Spain by expanding its territories. Balboa's discovery openned doors of opportunity for other conquests. His discovery allowed others to venture after him after he helped unravel a great amount of mystery in the west.

whatevs_trishh said...

Though I choose Balboa, I also agree with ngar55555 on his/her position on why Magellan is an important conquistador.

whatevs_trishh said...

I think Rsvltmustang and I share the same basic ideas. Woot! =)

christi815 said...

Vasco Nunez Balboa was the most significant conquistador. He is famous for discovering the Pacific ocean. He claimed this ocean and all its shores for Spain, which prompted and opened the way for Spanish exploration and conquest along the western coast of South America. Had it not been for Balboa’s discovery, others may not have set out to conquest the west. Balboa made other accomplishments as well. He explored rivers and mountains while searching for gold and slaves in hopes of enlarging his country’s territory. He defeated various native american tribes and befriended others. Vasco Nunez Balboa was also able to suppress revolts among whoever challenged his authority, and to earn respect and fear among Native Americans through diplomacy, and negotiation.

christi815 said...
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christi815 said...

i agree with the points brownie-pants made about Balboa. He made great discoveries and accomplishments such as the pacific ocean and Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien. However, Balboa did not complete the first circumnavigation of the world. Magellan did.

viaeenie said...
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viaeenie said...

Addressing to fishbowlsurfer, I do not completely agree that Cortes “deserves to be called the most important conquistador of all time." Being a traitor and a disloyal person should not grant him the title of a hero. He manipulated his power of being a “god” and his greed for power and gold led him holding their leader hostage for treasure, and virtually enslaving huge sections of the Aztec population.

christi815 said...

Also addressing fishbowlsurfer, though who the most important conquistor was is a matter of opinion, I do not think his being a “tricky, lying, snake of a man” supports his significance. I also do not see how marrying velaquez’s sister and malinche make him daring or brave. Cortes accomplished better things that could have been mentioned such as the fact that he brought his crops, animals, customs and religion to the peoples of Mexico which ultimately contributed to the modern day Mexican civilization with its blend of the old world and the new world.

MizChinkyEyez said...

In my opinion, Vasco Nunez Balboa was the most significant conquistador. He was the first European (known) to lead an expedition and to have seen and reached the Pacific from the New World. And not only was he a conquistador, explorer, and governor, but he also founded the settlement of Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien in present-day Panama in 1510. It was the first permanent European settlement on the mainland of the Americas.

To some, Balboa's discovery may seem invaluable. Discovering the Pacific Ocean can seem unimportant as it's an ocean, and somebody was bound to discover it. But Balboa's discovery was important to Spain, because thanks to him, Spain now accessed a new route to the Americas that no other European country knew of.

MizChinkyEyez said...

I agree that his discovery was significant because the Pacific Ocean opened up many new possibilities. For example, Spain had access to the west of America, a route no other European country knew yet of. His discovery would be very useful to Spain in years to come.

I disagree that Cortes was "a tricky, lying, snake of a man, but very brave." Cortes conquered the Aztecs simply out of luck. Moctezuma mistaked him as the god Quetzalcoatl, and let Cortes and his men approach his capital unopposed. Which was obviously a great opportunity for Cortes. It's true he must be given some credit for conquering the Aztecs, but he was not brave. Not even "tricky, lying, snake of a man." He simply went along with the whole thing. In other words, he hit the jackpot.

weeshabangxd said...

Hmm.. I believe that Vasco Nuñez de Balboa is the most significant conquistador for many reasons. For one, he was the first European to lead an expedition to the Pacific Ocean coming from the New World. He continued his search for gold and slaves on the coast of Panama. His discovery led to an even greater picture of the world that was open to even more discoveries within it. He even founded Santa Maria, in present-day Panama, and governed Veragua.

Anonymous said...

I agree with MizChinkyEyez in her(?) belief that Cortes conquered the aztecs out of luck. If Moctezuma hadn't mistaken Cortes for a "god" then history may have been written differently. The Aztecs weren't really given a chance to fight back and defend themselves. So I wonder if there really would've been a different result if they had been given the chance to fight back. Would the Aztcs been wiped out of the history books? So based on luck and poor judgement on a leader's part, the Aztecs were conquered. Not because Cortes showed any skill in any other way other than to take advantage of their hospitality and feed his greed.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to agree with historykid16 because without Cabrillo, California would've taken longer to establish and form. I think his discoveries apply more to us (those who live in California) now because we LIVE in California. If his discoveries had been covered up and not noted, California may be completely different then what it is today. Thanks to him, California's background reaches to the missions and the Gold rush, etc.

viaeenie said...

I agree with //Heather Re-Nee// that Ferdinand Magellan would be an important conquistador. If he had not taken the expedition across the Pacific Ocean and circumnavigate the world, people would still have come to believe that the Earth was flat instead of sphere. Cleary, his courage, determination and appetite for adventure made him a figure of extraordinary importance in world history and the world today.

jenny_16 said...

There are many significant conquistadors, but one that stands out for me would have to be, Vasco Nunez Balboa. Vasco Nunez Balboa is famous for the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. He traveled to many many places, such as the New World during the 1500, and soon settled in Hispaniola. After claiming the Pacific Ocean, he also declared the shores surrounding Spain, which soon prompted a way for the Spanish to conquest the coast of South America. This is not all that Balboa has accomplished; he also liked exploring mountains and searching for valuables like gold. Slaves were also what he searched for to help increase his country’s land/territory. Not only did he accomplish this, but also he found the first permanent European settlement in the Americas. All in all Balboa was an essential importance during the exploration of the Conquistadores.

jenny_16 said...

i would have to agree with what weeshabangxd said because without Balboa, many people would not have realized that there is more to the country then they realized.

princess**** said...

In my opinion I think Ferdinand Magellan is important because he was the first to do the cumnavigation of the globe. He showed that you can do anything even if you have 5 little ships. He started from Spain and going threw the storms of the tip of South America. He showed strengths and that you can be fearless and accomplish so much even if you have small things with you.
liseth per. 2

princess**** said...

I agree with luoyuejia because he was the first to make cumnavigation of the globe. Also he entered in the Phillipness that did became a trade center. He oppened alot of doors

I agree with laura elena ortiz because Balboa discovered the pacific ocean. It was a great accomplishment and it was easier for others to get around instead of taking longer routes

princess**** said...

hey mr. wise
is my display name
i coulnd'nt
get it before until now
sorry about that
liseth period. 2

MAR said...

To start off, I believe that there should not only be one conquistador that should be acknowledged as the most significant because all the conquistadors had an influence in creating Spain as the leading colonizing country during the 16th century. Each of the Spanish conquistadores, in their own way, had a great impact in the colony that they were conquering. But, if I had to choose one of these Spanish conquistadores who had an influence in the New World, I would choose Francisco Coronado. This Spanish explorer left his country in 1510 to settle in a province in Mexico City, where he later became governor. Inspired by the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola he set out in search for its treasures. His well known expedition would be that of the year 1540. Coronado, along with one thousand men, left Mexico to travel to southwestern US and northern Texas. Unfortunately, he did not encounter any of the treasures that he desired. Although he failed in discovering gold, Coronado’s expedition did produce the first sighting of what is now known as the Grand Canyon. Coronado’s expedition is also acknowledged in modern society. For instance, the Coronado National Memorial, located in Sierra Vista, Arizona, was built in 1952 in dedication to his expeditions. Consequently, although he may not be considered by historians as the greatest conquistador, he has helped broaden our knowledge about our world. Also, he contributed in creating a destination spot for tourists.

jenny_16 said...

i def. agree with MAR on her idea that there shouldnt be one conquistador that should be acknowledged as the most significant because all the conquistadors had an influence in spain during the 16 century.

MAR said...

I disagree with rsvltmustang when he quoted "without Balboa the Spanish might not of found America till a couple decades later." Balboa was not the only conquistador of his time. There were many other Spanish conquistadors competing to explore the New World. They were exploring every corner of the world to find something of value, gold, land, etc. In my opinion, "a couple of decades" is a pretty long time for the explorers to be ignorant of the Americas. Balboa may have had great influence in the discovery of the New World, but I think that the other explorers would have come across the Americas sooner or later, not "a couple of decades" later.

lil chris said...

I believe that the most significant conquistador was Vasco Balboa. The reason why I believe he is the most significant because he discovered the whole Pacific Ocean. If it wasn’t for his discovery of the Pacific Ocean, the famed Francisco Pizzaro, probably would have never known or would have later learned that he could sail the western coast of South America to Peru where he crushed the Incan empire. Also, by his discovery of the Pacific Ocean, he opened a path to unknown land for more Spanish exploration. Lastly he landed on the coast Panama where he claimed for his king all the lands that touched the Pacific.

lil chris said...

i agree with midgetsXruleXtheXworld91
because i also believe that Vasco Balboa discovery of the Pacific opened up lands for people to explore.

Also, although I picked a different conquistador, I agree with ngar55555, in which I believe that Magellan was important to the pride of Spain, which would add to the excessive pride Spain that would eventually to the Spanish Armada, and and the competition between Spain and Portugal. However I dont think he was the most important.

MAR said...

In response to lakers_117's comment, I do agree with the fact that Francisco Coronado's acheivements included: the discovery of the Grand Canyon, the explorationg of Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. But, I disagree with the fact that he stated that Coronado was the only conquistador to explore the southwest. Coronado was one of the few who explored the southwest, but we also have to take in account that other explorers such as Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and Juan de Oñate also contributed to the exploration of the southwest.

marissa91 said...

Hi Mr. Wise this is Marissa Washington from your P.3 APUSH class and I changed my display name so this is my new display name.

BuTtErFlyGRL said...

I believe that Vasco Nunez Balboa is an extremely significant conquistador because he hailed as the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean and claimed all the lands washed b that sea for his king. This opened up a new route to explore and this now allows people to migrate more towards the west.

MikeB said...

In my opinion, Juan Ponce de Leon was one of the more important Spanish Conquistadors because he came on Columbus's 2nd voyage to the New World to Puerto Rico. He also founded Florida for the Spanish, the first known European to land on the mainland of the United States. In addition to that, he re-affirmed the Spanish dominance of the New World by being able to conquer Puerto Rico.

BuTtErFlyGRL said...

hi Mr. Wise this is Shelby Hiatt from your APUSH Per. 3 class. My old username is not working for some reason so here is my new one. Thanks.

marissa91 said...

I believe Juan Ponce de Leon is the most important conquistador. First, he founded the island of Puerto Rico. This is important because since Puerto Rico is an island there is easy access to trade. Back in those days acess to trade was very important. Another reason that he was important is he was the first to draw attention to Florida. To this day we still see the influence he had. For example Biscayne Bay and the name Florida.
I agree with midgetsxrulexthexworld91 because Vasco Nunez Balboa was important. If not for him, the new world would not have been discovered until more recently in history.
I also agree with ngar555 because Magellan is also imprtant.
Even though he died, his name still went in the history books as the first person to circumnavigate around the world.

BuTtErFlyGRL said...

In response to mashugna I agree that Vasco Nunez Balboa was able to provide many new and valuable ideas or resources to the other explorers and colonies in general because of this new route being opened.

MikeB said...

Seems like the consensus opinion is that Vasco Balboa is the most important Conquistador. I agree with most of them, but especially with jenny_16 because he did discover gold in the mountains and did establish the mountainous settlements. His settlement was founded in Panama, so thus he crossed the isthmus to the Pacific.

BuTtErFlyGRL said...

I believe that all of the other conquistadors had an impact, and that it is all in a matter of opinion as to what each of them discovered or accomplished is most important. I do agree with historykid16's comment of Cabrillo being the most important because of his discovery of California since it has become mine and many other's home now.

Norma_Garcia_5 said...

i disagree with The Next Black Billionaire because he is disagreeing with everyone who thinks Magellan was one of the most important conquistadors. I would like to point out that he should go read our history book and take a look for himself. He is on the conquistadors section!!! Also, he was working for the Spanish crown, making him a SPANISH CONQUISTADOR!!! Although he was PORTUGUESE, he wasn't working in or for PORTUGAL!!! So that made him come up under the Spanish conquistador section!

Norma_Garcia_5 said...

i agree with hyphyqueen408 on Magellan being one of the most important. But i disagree when she said that he was working for the Spanish royal family. He was NOT. He was working for the Portuguese royal family. That's when he had to go to the Spanish king to ask him to support his voyage because the King of Portugal had refused.

Norma_Garcia_5 said...

Oh and by the way mr wise, i changed my screen name. it was ngar55555 but i changed it to Norma_Garcia_5.

Hend said...
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MikeB said...

I have to agree with Obviousmatt because Coronado did found the southwest, and was the first to introduce it to Europe for the Spanish. The Grand Canyon was an important find, but I'm sure someone actually found it before. Coronado also did explore the Coloardo River.

\\X// ] |_ 1 [ /\ (V) said...

I think that Ferdinand Magellan was the most significant person because of his crew's journey around the world. They accomplished what Christopher Columbus had attempted to do years earlier, discover a westward path to the Far East(India/China). Also, his crew helped to chart out a small part of the western/southern hemisphere.

\\X// ] |_ 1 [ /\ (V) said...

I agree with mondile about how Magellan was important because of trip around the world and about other discoveries around the world on his trip.

Heather Wilson said...

rsvltmustang You also have to take into consideration that Balboa did alot more then just explore the impossible. He was the first to discover the Pacific Ocean and making it known to others around the world that it was there. After him other conquistadors began to realize that there was alot more to the world then what they had first thought.

I agree with Mar because not just one conquistador is the most significant. They each contributed a large part in the expansion of knowledge of the New World. They each discovered a something new that changed the course of history and brought about more exploration and colonization the Americas. So not just one conquistador is significant. Yes one of them may have made a bigger and better discovery or may have been the first to do something but even the little discoveries and firsts brought about the exploration of the world.

*ely29* said...

I think that Ferdinand Magellan is the most important of all conquistadors. I believe that he is because he made one of the greated accomplishments. The accomplishment that he made was that he traveled,by ship, around the tip of South America. Apart from traveling aroung the tip of south America, he also made the first trip around the world by ship. Although he died right before reaching his homeland. He gaev his life to exploring so that is why i think that Ferdinand magellan is one of the most important conquistadors.

Hend said...
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Hend said...

Although known for the devastation of the Incas of Peru in 1532, I believe that Francisco Pizzarro stands as one of the most significant conquistadors for his role in Spain's economic boost. HIs huge addition to Spanish wealth "touched off a price revolution in Europe" (43). He also influenced the growth of capitalism and the economic system in Europe. His discoveries and findings led the foundations of the modern commercial banking system as well as sparked the spread of commerce and manufacturing.

*ely29* said...

I agree with HEND when he says that Bartholomeu Dias and Vasco de Gama are two of the most important conquistadors because they did open a world of opportunities when they traveled around the tip of south Africa. After they went around it everyone started going and by this discovery they opened a better trading system.

*ely29* said...

i agree with christi815 because although balboa didnt complete the first navigation around the world he still made other discoveries. he discovered the pacific ocean and landed in panama. And magellan's crew are the ones that completed the firt circumnavigation of the world. But he still gets credit for beginning it.

Hend said...

I also agree with "Fabia" and believe that Ferdinand Magellan is represented as having an extremely prominate position as a spanish conquistador. Although he was killed, he still is praised for the first round trip voyage. He was a devoted and memorable explorer and must always be remembered as such despite his death and near failure.

Hend said...

I disagree with "Lakers_117". Francisco Coronado, in my view, was and is not a significant nor prominant voyager. Yes he may of encountered with nature and found a giant canyon, but compared to the other exptorers he is an amature. Compared to DISCOVERING THE PACIFIC OCEAN or THE AMERICAS, coronado's discovery is pityful and uninteresting.

Oh by the way, sorry "Fabia" I deleted the comment about Gama because I changed my mind. soo yea sorry about that she is not crazy Mr. Wise I deleted bad

Kayvman625 said...

Ferdinand Magellan would probably be credited as one of the most important conquistadors of all time since he was the first to circumnavigate the world. Although Magellan himself have never really traveled across the globe (since he was killed in a war that broke out in the Phillipines during the middle of his voyage), it was under his name when the voyage took place, and as strange as this whole situation was, Magellan had never intended to circumnavigate the world. Magellan actually wanted to find a secure way for the Spanish to travel to the Spice Islands. It was actually Juan Sebastian Elcano, a commander of one of Magellan's ships, that ordered to keep traveling westward after Magellan's death, thus circumnavigating the world. His voyage would soon expand people's horizons of what the world really was and what limits a voyager can do.

Kayvman625 said...

I also want to add that after Magellan's trip, they indirectly discovered the need for the now International Date Line since they've noticed that the days the voyagers counted on their calenders don't match up with those who haven't went on the trip, with a difference of one day between the comparisons.

Anonymous said...

Ferdinand Magellan was the most significant conquistador. He set sail on 1519 with five small ships. He passed through storms off the tip of South America, which was then named after him. After passing through the Philippines, only one ship survived. The ship made it back to Spain in 1522, after finishing the first circumnavigation of the world. Magellan's voyage helped discover new places and dangers of the world.

veg_girl09 said...

I would like to start off by saying that i agree with Mar about there being not only one most important conquistador because they were all important and all had an impact on our history today. But anyways, the conquistador that stood out the most to me was Vasco Nunez Balboa. He discovered the Pacific Ocean in 1513. This discovery was a big deal in many ways. First of all and most importantly, it was a huge impact on transportation. Now because of Balboa's discovery, explorers now had a new choice of the direction that they wanted to take or go on a new ocean. Also, instead of always just landing in the east or having to go all the way around mexico and then back up again, they could now sail straight through the Pacific Ocean and end up somewhere on the west coast and they now had more land to explore which they initially never even knew was there.

kobe1017 said...

mr. wise...its Karan Oberoi from Period 1. i forgot my old password so i made a new account. its kobe1017

kobe1017 said...

I believe that Ferdinand Magellan should be considered the most significant conquistador of the 1500s. After all, he was the first to circumnavigate the world. Even though Magellan originally set out to find the Spice Islnds, he accidentally circumnavigated the whole world. One must take into consideration that most sea voyages and discoveries in the 1500s were accidental. Even though Magellan was killed in the Phillipines, his motives and his crew were so dedicated that they reached Portugal to honor the sacrifice and the achievement of Ferdinand Magellan, making it the first complete round-trip of the world.

kobe1017 said...

I agree with laura elena ortiz because i too believe that Vasco Nunez Balboa was a great explorer who was unstoppable by tribes of America. He either conquered them or befriended them.

I disagree with viaeenie because the purpose of the voyage of Hernando de Soto was to find gold to trade which he failed to do and died instead. So he should not be credited as being one of the most important conquistadors.

MissUnique said...

I believe that Ferdinand Megallan, the portugese explorer, was one important conquistador because he did his best for Spain and their people.Before going on his journey to Spain to try and find a westward route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia ,Ferdinand asked the King of Portugal to support his journey and since he worked for the royal family in Spain, the King gave in and supported him with with a crew of prisoner's and five ships, The Santiago, the San antonio,the Victoria, the Concepion and the Trinidad.Thus, megallan learned a lot about navagation and founded many portugese discoveries, which was important to Spain and its' people. Ferdinand is a Conquistador who is important because he discovered the Phillipines and he was one of the first conquistadors to cross the meridians of the globe and to complete the first circumnavigation of the globe.

kcfellizaaaaarrrr said...

For me, Ferdinand Magellan is an important conquistador because he tried to find a westward route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia, thus making the first successful attempt to circumnavigate the earth. Although he was killed in the Philippines, he was the first person to lead an expedition by sailing west from Europe to Asia and to cross the Pacific Ocean. He also entered the Pacific oean from the Strait of Magellen and reached the Philippines.

I agree with amethyst55 because we both said that Magellen was an important conquistador.

Although I chose Magellen was important I also have to agree with Laura Elena Ortiz because Balboa was important since he did discover the Pacific Ocean.

\\X// ] |_ 1 [ /\ (V) said...

I agree with Laura Elena Ortiz about how Balboa is important for discovering the Pacific because it was the first step to having Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigate the world, which in my opinion was the greatest accomplishment of the Conquistadors.

lauren13 said...

I feel that Vasco Nunez Balboa was the most significant. He was important he was the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean. He discovered the ocean while climbing a mountain. When he looked out he saw the ocean. This is important because people could use the Pacific Ocean to travel. So that means that more discoveries can be made. He was the reason for the discovery of all the new lands because many of the explorers were curious about where the ocean lead to.

lauren13 said...

I agree with midgetsrule because the Pacific Ocean made people think there was more places in the country they dont know about.

I also agree with amethyst55 because Ferdinand Magellan discovered the Phillipines and that is an important thing to the world today.

Justinee Wienee said...

In my opinion, Vasco Nunez Balboa was a very important conquistador is U.S. History. I believe this because he founded the Pacific Ocean. If he didn't find it someone would have. But lucky for him he did, or he would of not have this spot in our history book.
He opened the world up to the whole Americas. This is why I belive Balboa was an important conquistador.

be happpy said...

The Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, is who i believe is an important conquistador. Like Columbus, Magellan thought that he could reach the Spice Islands by sailing west. King Charles I granted him generous funds after Magellan convinced him that some of the Spice Islands lay in the Spanish half of the undiscovered world. In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan, with only five tiny ships started from Spain. Struggling to get through countless storms, especially the storm-lashed straight of the tip of South America. They still sailed on but decided to stop at the Philipines. Magellan got foolishly involved in the Natives' tribal warfare, after befriending a island king, and was killed. In 1522, after three years of is journey, his one remiaing vessel arrived in Spain. Even though Magellan had died early on in the voyage, his dedicated crew members, in his honor still carried on the voyage. This was the first vessel to complete the circumnavigation of the globe. (:

Justinee Wienee said...

I agree with midgetsxrulexthexworld because I to believe that Balboa was an important conquistador.

Justinee Wienee said...

I don't agree with righteousprofet that Fransico was an important conquistador because he didn't find our world that needed to be found for us, so we know it is a whole.

Anonymous said...

I agree with midgetsxrulexthexworld91. Balboa was important by discovering the Pacific Ocean. Balboa also claimed all the lands washed by the sea.

Anonymous said...

The comment posted by Rsvltmustang is true. Balboa did help others find North America. He also discovered the Pacific, which will open up new routes to different places in the world.

hyphyqueen408 said...

To be honest with you...midgetsxrulextheworld91.....i think that balboa is important but as important as ferdinand magellan

hyphyqueen408 said...

i think that francissco coronado was a straight up gold digger....i dont think that was looking for gold for his country i believe that he was just looking for for golden cities for himself so he can get rich.

Anonymous said...

Vasco Nunez de Balboa is a very important conquistador because for him to travel across the Isthmus of Panama, he found a new road to sea travel, the Pacific Ocean, the signifigance of his discovery led other explorers like Ferdinan Magellan to find mor what this world has to offer.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I agree with be happy, how Ferdinan Magellan intentions was not to go around the whole world, but to find a safer route to the spice islands

Anonymous said...

I also agree with mar's first response that notonly one conquistador should be credited but all of them should be credited in "discovering" the new world.

patelz2000 said...

The most significant conquistador is no doubt Vasco de Balboa. While other conquistadors modified their goal from finding a alternative route to Asia to gaining economically from the New World, Balboa continued to search for the alternative route. If it weren't for Balboa it would have taken decades before conquistadors settling the New World would have discovered the Pacific Ocean. Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean opened up endless possibilities for not only Asia but for Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and many more. In addition, Balboa's finding led to the success of Ferdinand Magellan which was the first circumnavigation of the world. In all, it can't be argued that Vasco de Balboa is the most monumental conquistador.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wise... my comment isn't here... the one with the paragraph...
i posted it before my responses to the others, but i guess it didn't post. So here it is again:

The most significant conquistadore is Hernando de Soto. His methods were cruel and unjustified, but he also left a mark. I do not agree that he was the best and greatest of the conquistadores, but he was significant in that he shows how the Indians suffered from the conquistadores' mad rush for God, gold, and glory. Like many conqistadores, he didn't find much riches, however, he did bring notice to the existence of the Mississippi River and crossed it. He got what he deserved by dying a death of fever and wounds, and being buried without ceremony and in secrecy for fear that his actions would come back and haunt him.

Marcus Jones II said...

MY BAD I was wrong, I misread my text. Thanks norma_garcia_5 for pointing that out. Everyone makes mistakes

Marcus Jones II said...

Never mind what i just said, i am reading many different websites and he is not listed as a conquistador. i will get clarification on monday from mr wise. so dont yell at me yet

love108 said...

Ferdinand Magellan was one of the most significant conquistadores of his time. He was not only the first man to circumnavigate the globe, but he also has a Strait named after him known as the "Strait of Magellan." I believe he is one of the most significant Conquistadores because he not only accomplished this grand task with only five tiny ships, but he battled great controversy. Magellan was a Portuguese explorer, sailing for the Spanish. The Spanish and Portugal were in competition with each other, and with a Portuguese explorer making a grand contribution to success in the name of Spain there was talk of treason. He may not have discovered a Continent, or find a lifetime of treasures, but he accomplished the task of circumnavigating the globe, and over coming great contrivers. Therefore deserving the title of on of the most significant conquistadores of him time.

love108 said...

i really agree with lauren13's point that without the discovery of the pacific ocean by Vasco Nunez Balboa, many curious exlporers would have never ventured off there and discovered many islands. Vasco Nunez Balboa, really reminds me of Marco Polo in a way. He sort of encouraged and inspired many to venture off into the new water.

love108 said...

I must say i disagree and both agree with fishbowlsurfer. Cortes was a great man, but how was he brave? i agree with your choices of description when you said he was "tricky, lying, snake of a man" but not the brave part. how can you consider someone brave, when the people treated him so well because they believed he was a god. A person that is truly brave would have told them that he is not, and would have not been a coward and pretended he was. Luckly they discovered that he wasnt a god, but too bad that they could not win the battle against this great coward.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Laura elan ortiz....Vasco Nunez Balboa paved the way for all other Spanish exploers. Being the first he was able to locate the western side of the present US. Without him it might of taken ages to find this area.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with fishbowlsurfer....Cortes was not a sneaky, and lying individual, he was just given what he asked for. He asked the aztecs for gold and they gave it to him. The downfall of the Aztecs was the Aztecs fault.

tinkerbell09 said...

In my opinion Ferdinand Magellan was an important conquistador. He was a Portuguese explorer, but worked for the royal family in Spain. Magellan finally convinced the king to support his jouney financially. He then started from SPain in 1513 with only five small ships. He made it through the tough storm off the tip of South America, but he was killed by the people of the Philippines. Only one ship was left, it got home in 1552, thus completing the first circumnavigation of the world.

tinkerbell09 said...

I agree with lauren13, she said that the discovery of the pacific ocean showed people there was more of the world to be explored and opened up. In a way it gave explorers more insentive to go on more journeys.

I agree with rsvltmustang. He explained without finding north america, Spain may not have made that discovery untill many years or decades later. He did give hope for the world that others places were out there waiting to be found.

James Owns You :] said...

For the most important conquistadors, I think Hernando de Soto would take the win. One of his achievements was undertaking the mission to venture through the marshes of Florida to reach more westward lands. Eventually he came across the Mississippi River. As most of us knows, throughout history the Mississippi River proves to be of much strategic importance due to it's role as a heavy highway for the import and exports of goods.

James Owns You :] said...

I agree with lakers_117 because I also think the traverse through Arizona and New Mexico was important. The finding of buffaloes may have been a new source of good as well as a new source of food.

James Owns You :] said...

I agree with Nikhila because the "discovery" of the Pacific Ocean is definitely important for military and transport reasons. It could allow for new routes to open up that gives the transport ships a better, safer, and faster voyage.

SexaayyBeast1 said...

I hope im not to late just remembered today. accept please mr. wise..
(easy one to do)

Fransisco Coronado is an important conquistador I believe because without him going on his journey into the far east in search for golden cities. He conquered the terrain and along his way "discovered" two of the most remarkable natural wonders in the United States today: the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River. With his journey comes accomplishment and discovery of prime routes towards the eastern part of the continent. Information about this "New World" and its inhabitants and riches. Without his discoveries history as we know it would change. We would still have these two wonders but there meaning would be different then they are today.

Response to two people:
To kobe1017:
I believe that Ferndinad Megellan was a great explorer and discoverer but he was not a Spanish Conquistador. His accomplishment of circumnavigating the world was great though.

To James Owns You :]:

I agree that Hernando de Soto was a great Spanish conquistador for without his exploitation of the Mississippi River people later in history would not see it as a strategic landmark. He although never exploited it like I had said earlier but he did in a way reveal it to others.

infamousNDN said...

Sorry Mr. Wise, this blog thing this week just slipped my mind =[

Well I believe the most significant conquistador has to be Vasco Núñez de Balboa because of his exraordinary discovery of the Pacific Ocean. He was also a governor and explorer. His discovery of the Pacific opened the west coast so the Spanish now had access to it. Not only that, he also founded the settlement of Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien in present-day Panama in 1510. It was the first permanent European settlement on the mainland of the Americas.
It may seem his discovery of the Pacific is not important because its an ocean and someone might have discovered it before him but it was probably never noticed or recorded so he gets the credit. In addition, it was valuable to the Spanish because they had now a new route to the west of the New World.

The Next Black Billionaire: I agree with him that for all the people that chose Ferdinand Megallen to be the most significant conquistador, is an unjust answer because he never was one. Eventhough he made many contributions to finding unknown and uncharted land, he was only a Portugese explorer, thats it.

hyphyqueen408: I disagree with you for saying that Magellan was working for the Spanish royal family when he was actually working for the Portugese royal family. That explains why he went to the Spanish ruler to ask to support his voyage since the ruler of Portugal refused to support him.

AP Wiseman said...

good job all who posted

AP Wiseman said...

blah blah blah

God.s Module said...

From Dakota Savage p.2

I think Vasco Nunez was important because he discovered the pacific ocean. Without this discovery it would have been alot harder to colonize and inhabit america.

God.s Module said...

Response to righteousprofet:
I disagree with fishbowlsurfer....Cortes was not a sneaky, and lying individual, he was just given what he asked for. He asked the aztecs for gold and they gave it to him. The downfall of the Aztecs was the Aztecs fault.

I disagree becuase Cortez intentionally tricked the native americans. Although he didnt know why they thought he was a god, He went along with it which helped the Aztecs.

Response: fishbowlsurfer:
even Though Cortes Is Probably the most famous (or infamous depending on your point of view)conquistador, i think he deserves to be called the most important conquistador of all time. He was a tricky, lying, snake of a man, but very brave, i have to admit. He went against the governor of Cuba several times. Married Velázquez's sister, then went with malinche. escaping the law, being called a traitor then a hero, Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca. If that isn't a daring man, then i don't know what is!

I do agree in some sense becuase while he was dishonorable, he still helped bring the americas to what they are today.

Anonymous said...

I believe Hernand de Soto was the best conquistador because he is the first to cross the Mississippi River. Although many people were using the river before him, he was the first to record it. He alsowas seeking gold and came across the river. He did mistreat the Indians, and his body was disposed in the River, but I still believe his is the best because he discovered the river.

responding to "laura elena ortiz"
i dont think Vasco Nunez Balboa is the best because I think people were traveling the Pacific Ocean before he claimed he 'discovered it,' and he was just lucky and the first one to record it.

fishbowlsurfer said...

MizChinkyEyez, how can you say that Cortes was not brave?
He ventured on lands considered to be dangerous and remotely unkown to most anyone in that time period.
if brave isnt the correct term for that, then please tell me what is?
I'd love to hear it.

And If Bringing down a whole civilization is considered "just luck", then i guess that Hitlers defeat was merely "just luck", the American Revolution was won, well, because of luck. and Hey, how about blaming luck for everything. The fact that man landed on the moon, merely luck, we lost the conflict in Vietnam? Aw, just bad luck.
No, History isn't luck.
Especially something monumental like the defeat of the Aztecs.
It takes a special kind a person to do that.
Maybe luck played a small role, but i don't think history would have been the same if Cortes hadn't been on that ship.

TeDDyMuNd said...

i agree with ngar55555 because i mostly thought that Ferdinand Magellan was a really important conquistador. i thought he was because he was one of the first to ever try to sail around the world with such a small expedition. its sad that he died in the Philippines though.. but his expedition did make it back. so that was still pretty good... i still blame the Philippines. even though I'm half filipino ahahahha.