Monday, September 24, 2007

Events Leading to the American Revolution

Beginning with the Proclamation of 1763, the American colonists started on a long road from relative calm and happiness to all-out discontent and revolution. This "long road" was actually very short in chronological terms because it only took about 12 years. To complete this log, you need to rank the events that led to the revolution on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 means peace and happiness and 10 means all-out war and revolution. A rating of 5 would mean that you see slight elements of discontent. Please include any events that you think are important from chapters 7 and 8. You must include the Stamp Act, the Townshend Tea Tax, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the "Intolerable Acts," the convening of the First Continental Congress, the Battle of Lexington and Concord, Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense," and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. If you have trouble with the textbooks explanations of this event, use wikipedia to find a basic explanation. Good luck!


Justinee Wienee said...

everything that happened in these events were the Stamp Act, i would give a 7 because it made the colonist pay for taxes, the Boston Massacre, I would give an 8 because it showed how the redcoats didn't care who or what they were shooting at, but just to shoot, the Boston Tea Party 9 because it showed the sons of liberty fighting for what they believed in and that was there way, which was to dump the tea into the harbor, the "Intolerable Acts," the convening of the First Continental Congress a 5 because it was to meet in Philadelphia to consider ways of redressing colonial grievances, the Battle of Lexington and Concord 8 because they were battles leading up to the revolution, Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense," and the writing of the Declaration of Independence 10 because it shows the colonies becoming free and having people agree and have important people in our history sign it. It will lead to the American Revolution because it had the rebillions, the wars, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Justinee Wienee said...

I can't comment anybody's because there isn't anybody's to comment.

Justinee Wienee said...

I forgot that I won't be here until Sunday sometime and it will be too late to write. What can I do Mr. Wise?

Anonymous said...

o wow...not alot of posts yet...
well...i think i'm gonna wait until some other people reply ^-^

Anonymous said...

The events that led up to the revolution built of off on another the Stamp Act, I would give an 8...this caused an unrest in the colonies because people were not being represented in the process of taxation. The Townshend Tea Tax I would give an 8 also, this event led to the uprisings in Boston..people were being taxed but in a subtle way, the colonist might of thought of England as being sneaky. The Boston Massacre I would give a ten, finally the colonist had a defense to prove that the ways of Britain were unjust...this event allowed coloniest to have a reason for Revolution. The Boston Tea Party I would give a 5 it was not as gruesome as the Massacre, colonist destroyed crates of Tea shipped to them from Britain, many belive this event sparked the revolution, not true, all of the events leading up to and after helped mold the idea of revolution.The Intolerable Acts I would give a 5 this led to the establishment of the First Continental Congress.The convening of the First Continental Congress I would give a 10 this led to the unity of all of the colonies now that they were bound together they could fight as one. The Battle of Lexington and Concord I would of course give a ten, they marked the beggining of battle between Britain and the Colonies. Common Sense would recive a 9, this pamphlet deounced British rule and added fuel to the already blazing fire of revolution. The Declaration of Independence was the iceing on the cake for the colonist, all of the taxes and misused power of Britain led up to this. The Declartion would recive a ten, the colonies were now united and all joined together to make a single decision....leave British rule.

well i need more people to post to comment right....?

LucKy said...


i dont really like this one but hey i'll do my best.

1) they discover the new world

2) people hear rumors of gold and travel there, also people wanted to seperate from the church, so they got permission to leave.

3) they all got sick on travel and landed then met native americans.

4) CORN!!! i'm hungry.... oh and they had Thanks Giving. yeah..

5) uhhhh.... then things got a little nasty with religious stuff (aka idiotic purtians and also the salem witch trials)

sorry for the randomness, my brother wasbrushing his teeth in my face and bothering me then went to rinse them in the landry room....... ANYWAYS

6) here comes the indentured slaves and slavery....Bacon's rebellion...sort of paralles to the whole us and the revolution later.... key word SORT OF.

7) ok time to speed it up a bit...oh here comes the taxing like the Stamp Act, which pissed everyone but th Englishmen off...

8) how about a Party!!! thats right a Boston Tea Party...and like all parties they become a huge disater and somebody goes home crying. als in tis case we get a whole Boston Massacre and 5 people die. at least it wasn't from binge drinking of tea.... i dont think they had the technology to pump someones stomach.

9)now both sides are angry and the Intolerable Acts came out...ha! like that really did something....

10) time war!!!! those jerks pissed off us americans and everyone knows that Americans aren't ones to mess with. Soon we wilbe the united states dun dun dun!

ok i'm out cause like a lot of us here.... I have an essay and a whole lot of other homework to finish.....later...

oh yeah i agree with those two other people who left comments... they sounded pretty smart.

LucKy said...

DANG IT!!!!! I just realized it did it wrong!!! ok ok well in that case i give all of those things you listed an 8....

ceejayjay said...

Rating the events leading to the American revolution.

The Stamp act(6), paying of the taxes.
The Townshed Tea tax(7) payed tax,but they were kinda smart about it by making it seem like not paying taxes.
Boston Massacre(9), killing of innocent poeple is jst way out of hand!!.
Boston tea PArty(5-6) it wasnt ass bad ass the massacre. cause all they did is throw tea into the atlantic.
Intolerable acts(4-5), closed the tea trading routes?..untill all damages are paid.
1st Continental Cong.(6), cause it was jst a meeting like justine wienee said..about redressing colonial grievnaces.
Battle of Lexington and Concord(10) cause they were big battles that would lead into change, the revolution.
Thomas Paine "common sense"(9). pretty much like republicanism. also took down the British.
Declaration of Independence(10), because it revolutionized the america, beacsue of all the human rights that gov. cant take away and freedoms!! [=[=

Phew that was LONG!!! haha

TeDDyMuNd said...

for the stamp act i would give it around a.... 7 because it caused the people to pay taxes for documents which made it someone harder for them to live. the Townshend tea tax caused the colonists to revolt which made them even more mad so i give that one like a 7 also. the Boston massacre... i give it like a 8 because the towns people became angry and somewhat revolted. then some of them were killed causing more chaos. the Boston tea party... was a big thing leading to the revolution because the American colonists threw out a lot of tea... causing the British to get angry.. so i give that a... 8 and 1/2? i give the intolerable acts and the first continental congress like at least a 6 because it somewhat prepared them for what was going to come up. then the battle of Lexinton and concord.. i give it a 9 because it helped or it gave the mood for the revolution.. i give Thomas Paine's common sense a 9 because it demanded independence from Britain which caused Britain to get all pissy. then i give the declaration of independence a 10 because the colonies finally united into one thought causing them to break into independence.

MizChinkyEyez said...

Stamp Act-I would have to give it a 7 because it was not an all out war, but very close. I believe the Stamp Act served as a foundation to the revolution to come. The Stamp Act was one of the first laws that the British forced on the colonists, and the colonists actually fought back.
After successfully forcing Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act, it gave the colonists a boost of confidence, which gave them the spirit to fight in bigger challenges later on.

Townshend Tea Tax-I would give this a rating of 3 because the
colonists were in a pretty good mood from their recent victory (of repelling the Stamp Act). In addition, they took the tax less seriously than the Stamp Act because it was light and indirect. In fact, it was better for the colonists because they found that they could secure smuggled tea at a cheap price. And consequently, smugglers increasted their activities, which of course upset the British officials because they faced a breakdown of law and order.

Boston Massacre-I would have to give this a 6 because the colonists were very angry, but not as angry as they were with the Stamp Act. I believe that instead of taking their rage out on the British physically, they used this oppurtunity to spread the ideas of the Whigs: suspicion of all authority; a strong scent of a conspiracy to strip them of their
historic liberties. The Boston Massacre was actually beneficial to the colonists in a way that it unified the colonies more than ever.

Boston Tea Party-I would give this a rating of 7. The rating was pretty high for the Stamp Act, and the events that followed died down again; the colonists weren't as rebellious. But now, with the Boston Tea Party,
tensions begin to rise again as the colonists' rebellious spirits start to boil. Again, it's not the taxes themselves the colonists are angry about, but the principle of the matter.

The "Intolerable Acts"-I give it a rating of 5 because there was discontent, but it seemed the colonists were more in a state of shock than rage. Controlling their tempers, they actually summoned a continental
Congress in 1774, which shows signs of organization, something they will need in the time before, during, and after the war.

First Continental Congress-I also give it a 5 because there was discontent, but not all out war. Leaders like John Adams used the discontent to sway his colleagues to a revolutionary course.

Battle of Lexington and Concord-I give this a rating of 8, because the colonists were outraged by the "Lexington Massacre," and got their revenge on the British at Concord. This is a significant battle leading up to the revolution, which is why I believe it is a rating of 8.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense-The pamphlet Common Sense deserves a rating of 6. It was very significant in the process of
revolution, but it did not ignite any violence. It instead snapped
colonists to reality: Why should a vast continent such as America be
controlled by a tiny island like Britain. The pamphlet gave colonists a logical view and support of why they should separate from the motherland.

Declaration of Independence-I give the Declaration of Independence a rating of 10 because it is the final act of revolutioln. The colonists
finally had had enough and chose to break away from the crown. It was something they were hesitating on, something they were debating on, but they finally decided that they had had enough, and were determined to see it through to the end.

MizChinkyEyez said...

justinee wienee
I agree with most of his or her ratings except for rating the Boston Tea Party a 9. I believe that's a little too high because yes it showed the Sons of Liberty fighting for what they believed in, but I believe it was more of a rebellious act, and a way for the colonists to get back at the British in a way of a childish prank.

I also agree with most of his or her ratings except for the rating for Thomas Paine's book Common Sense. I don't believe it deserves a rating as high as a nine. The pamphlet definitely played a significant role in the road to revolution, but I don't believe that it really caused an "all out war." It more gave logical support as to what the colonists were doing was right, and that they were on the right path of separating from the crown.

luoyuejia said...

Stamp Act - I would give this a 6 since it did irritate the colonists and make them move with unease.
Townshend Tea Tax - I would also place this as a 6 on the scale since it put a tax on many common items which would have made it very difficult for the colonists to deal with in terms of money.
Boston Massacre - I would give this an 8 because of the violence that occurred and the action that would pursue from the colonists from having the redcoats open fire.
Boston Tea Party - This would be a 7 on my scale because of the rebelling attitude that the colonists gave. The attitude was very strong and confident enough to show an act of repel.
Intolerable Acts - I would also place this as a 7 since it was done as a response to the Boston Tea Party and it was only contributing to the buildup of all the tension between the colonists and the British.
First Continental Congress - This would be an 8 on my scale because the action of putting together this congress threw the colonies into an official war against the British and this is what began the official war.
Battle of Lexington and Concord - I woudl give this a 9 since this was the very beginning of the battles that would come between the colonies and the British.
"Common Sense" publication by Thomas Paine - I would give this a eight since it directly insulted the idea of British ruling.
Declaration of Independence - This would recieve a 10 since it shows the absolute statement that the colonies were done with the British and they were finally separated.

princess**** said...

The Stamp Act I give it a 6 beacuse the colonists had to pay for taxes. Townshed Acts a 6 it was a light import duty on glass, white lead, paper,paint and tea. Boston Massacre 8 they showed they had something to say but it ended up in some deaths. Boston tea party 9 it really showed stength, guts to do that. Intolerable 7 it showed how they were losing control so they had to tighten up. First continental congress 6 it was more of thinking of ways to readress colonial grievances. Battle of Lexington and Concord 8 it was more of Lexington Massacre. Thomas Paine common sence a 9 it open the eyes to see that they needed to break away from England. Also to watch out for corruption from the govt. Declaration of Independence a 10 deffinetely its is when America got their independece. All of that led to the American Revolution because it all stirred up everythibng.

princess**** said...

Teddymund I agree with him especially with Thomas Paine common sense he really made a difference. He questioned Britain's authority and really helped to see why would they have to take others rule.

Mizchinkeyez I agree in the Declaration of Indepence because it was such a big event. America finally broke away from Britain.

IAmHidalgo said...

The Stampacts were just one of the first events leading to war, so i'd give it a four due to small taxation issues. The Boston Massacre I'd definetely give a 9; it's not total war, but firing on your own people is extreme as it gets. The Boston Tea Party I'd give a 6, because sabotage is a WAR tactic, but no one was harmed. The "Intolerable Acts" I would give a 2, because they were trying to resolve the colonial issues "peacefully". The First Continental Congress is a 6, for although talknig of untiy in war-time, no skirmishes have begun. The Battle of Lexington is a 7, due to the fact that the U.S. had no formal declaration of war."Common Sense" is a 5, for it forewarns the obvious truth of breaking away, but involves no bloodshed in it's preach. The Declaration of Independence is a 9.999, because breaking away from your mother country is a definite no-no, espescially after all it did for you, but spoke of equal rights, natural rights, and no tyranny.

IAmHidalgo said...

My Comments: from justinee wienee's comment, although I agree with your point on the stamp acts, none of the colonists thought, "taxes, lets kill all redcoats!" There was no threat in their voices, just disappointment of not being involved and having a say. As for righteousprophet, I have to slightly disagree on your rating for commonsense. I'm with you 100% on the effects of British rule, but it wasn't meant to denounce Britain or cause a war (in my opinion). It was to inform the people of Britain as a whole that if action isn't taken soos, then those who believe in "Free America", will take actions into their own hands.

IAmHidalgo said...

Forgot this part: Townshed Act. give it a 5 because although not a major act of agression, they tricked their own people to get money out of them.

MAR said...

Stamp Act: 6; This event aroused the American colonists’ anger towards the British. It would not be considered a full on bloody battle between the colonies and British, but it did display the beginnings of American resistance against its mother country. It forced the Americans to adopt the Stamp Act Congress and the nonimportation agreements. Such adoptions influenced the Americans to unite for their right.

Townshend Tea Tax: 6; Like Stamp Act, the Townshend Tea Tax also provoked anger for the Americans. The colonists became more rebellious this time having triumphed over the repeal of the Stamp Act. More Americans also became hostile towards this situation because many Americans drank tea. The colonists also continued with their nonimportation agreements. Hostility also grew more intense because the colonists would punish British tax collectors by covering them with feathers.

Boston Massacre: 8; This was a bloody event between the enraged colonists and a few British soldiers. It would rank as one of the highest because it was one of the few messy and bloody event towards the revolution. Although this event can be fairly seen as an example of great peril between the colonies and the mother country, it was not the most dramatic road to revolution because the Boston Massacre was only caused by the colonists’ anger towards the British soldier for accidentally killing a boy. It does show, to some extent the hostility between the Americans and the British.

Boston Tea Party: 7; Due to the blockading of the American ports so that the British tea would not be imported, the American’s nonimportation agreements definitely convey resistance against Britain. But when did the British did find a way to import their tea at Massachusetts, the Americans reacted violently by hurling the chests of British tea in the Atlantic. Such anger of the Americans conveys their intolerance against the mother country. The Boston Tea Party was definitely a step towards American resistance against the British.

Intolerable Acts: 6; Such act was a British reaction to the Boston Massacre. The harshness of the Intolerable Acts for the Massachusetts colonists illustrate the British desire to keep hold of the colonists by putting forth full authority. It eventually provoked all the other colonies to resist the regulations of the red coats.

First Continental Congress: 5; At this conference, the goal of the American delegates was to address colonial grievances for Parliament. Also, the delegates concluded that there would be a complete boycott of British goods. Such conclusion conveys resistance from the British economy. But since the Congress wanted to address their grievances for Britain, it did not mean that they wished neither to revolutionize nor to rebel for their independence.

Battle of Lexington and Concord: 8; this event signified the outrage of the Americans from the Lexington Massacre. It shows their deep anger against the British which served as their reason for British resistance.

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense: 4; Although it did serve as a reason for a need of a republic government, Paine’s work merely ignite American outrage for revolution. It basically influenced the colonists to seek for their independence against a corrupt king as George III.

Declaration of Independence: 10; It is obvious by the title of the document that the American colonists desired nothing else but to have complete independence from the British. This decree guaranteed that the American colonist wanted to be totally separate from the British. It also called for a republic government for which the colonies to follow.

MAR said...

In response to MizChinkyEyez, I do agree to the fact that the Declaration of Independence should be given a rating of 10. I do agree that it was the final and most crucial step towards American Independence. It spelled out the natural rights that all human beings should have and it called out for a republic government. Such decrees convey the colonists' desire to seperate from England.

MAR said...

I disagree with the fact the teddymund gave Thomas Paine's Common sense a rating of 9. It should not deserve this high of rating because it merely called for a revolution. Its main objective was to convey that a colony should not withstand a corrupt government and a corrupt king. It asserted that the best government should be republic. Although it did have an influence on the colonists to desire independence, it was not a main factor that contributed to the independence of the Americans.

Hend said...

When the proclamation of 1763 was issued, dismay and anger grew among the colonists. While the 7 year's War gave colonists a new vision of their destiny, the British government suffered from debt and unruly colonial subjects. As the mid 1700s unraveled, London government struggled to compel the colonists in shouldering some of the financial costs bestowed upon the empire. Conflict became inevitable as England enforced new acts and taxes upon the American people. What began as a quarrel about economic policies soon exposed extreme differences between American and British political principles.

Of the first motives of colonial unrest stood the Stamp Act of 1765. It was used to raise revenues to support the new military force after the 7 year's war implicated the biggest dept for England. Colonists were angrily aroused at what they regarded as a strike at their local liberties. The American people united as the Sons and Daughters of liberty and Patriots that enforced a boycott of British goods, revolting with “no taxation with out representation”. The Stamp Act congress of 1765 was also assembled to inform colonists and King George of their rights. The nonimportation agreements against British goods also arose in reaction to the stamp act. As a primary source of quarrel and discontent, I rate the Stamp Act as a 9.

The Townshend Tea Tax was essential in increasing restlessness in colonists. They viewed the tax on tea as absurd. The tax was imparted to pay the salaries of the royal governors. This act led to the Boston Tea Party which represented the struggle and will of colonial Patriots at a time of injustice and unrest. Because the Townshend acts were a major motive of the Boston Tea party, I rate this event as a 5 . The Boston Tea Party, on the other hand, conveyed a reaction to extreme discontent and dissatisfaction of colonists.

As another cause of the Townshend acts, The Boston Massacre is signified as a clash between angry colonist and British redcoats. After Paul Revere’s engraving depicted soldiers taking aim at peaceful citizens, tensions between colonists and England grew intense. The Boston Massacre was a significant event in history, yet colonial unrest arose with the exaggerated depictions of Paul Revere. For this reason, I give this event a 5.

The Intolerable Acts of 1774 were issued as the coercive acts by Parliament a punishment for the colonists. They took away basic rights, restricted town meeting, and closed the Boston harbor. They were a reaction or punishment of the Boston Tea Party. They left the colonists angry and motivated them to take another step toward revolution. I rate these acts with a 6 because they imposed anger through injustice and severe punishment upon the colonists.

The committee of correspondence, which was organized by Samuel Adams, aided in the progression of colonial unity, the spread of ideas, and the formation of the continental congress. When the entire colonies, except Georgia, came together to form a patriotic, radical congress, they lead the Americas toward unification, ambition, and revolution. The convening of the first continental congress is best rated as a 6 because it was an extremely notable step toward patriotism and revolution.

The Battle of Lexington and Concord of 1775 is best notable for the firing of the first shots of revolution. The loss of the British army and victory of the militiamen was of great inspiration and encouragement for the colonists. This event desires a 10 because it was the actual action and first step of the revolution that colonists took against England.

Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense" argued for the superiority of a republic over a monarchy. He referred to the king as “the royal brute of Great Britain”. The separation of the colonies from England was inevitable. He mainly argued that it didn’t make sense for a colony that is greater than the mother country to stay with a corrupt government. Although it did not ignite any violence, it did give colonists a sense of reality. It not only called for independence, but for the creation of a republic, where power flowed from the people themselves rather than from a corrupt monarch. For this reason, “Common Sense” deserves a 6. It had a major impact of colonial enlightenment and ambition of change, but it did not reveal any violence or major signs of discontent.

Finally, the writing of the Declaration of Independence invoked the natural rights of humankind. Thomas Jefferson centered the declaration around the concept of equality, liberty, and justice. This “shout heard round the world” has been a source of inspiration to countless revolutionary movements against arbitrary authority. As the most extreme sign of colonial separation and revolution from England, the Declaration deserves a 10 as the most radical sign of revolution.

benaa15 said...

*Hey, Mr. Wise I’m Bengy Acosta from your 1st period my screen name is benaa15.

The Stamp Act-I give it an 8 because this was the start of the tension between the colonies and Britain. If Britain would have never placed this act on the colonies, they might have never questioned the king’s rule and we might still be under the control of the English till this day.

The Boston Massacre-I give it an 8 because it was the first conflict between Britain and the colonies that ended with casualties.

The Townshend Tea Tax-I give this a 9 because this was the act that mad the colonies even more angry because they still had to pay tax even though the colonies made it clear that they did not want to pay for these unfair taxes.

The Boston Tea Party-I give it a 9 because this was one of the most popular demonstrations in American history. It also demonstrated that the colonies were sick and tire of all the silly taxes that they being forced to pay even though they had no say in them.

"Intolerable Acts”-I give it an 8 because Britain just made this unfair act as a so called punishment for The Boston Tea Party. As a result this added more tension and anger to the colonial people.

The Battle of Lexington and Concord-I give it a 9 because it was one the first battles that were fought in the revolution. The colonies were also victorious which boosted their moral. It also gave them hope that they actually had a chance of winning the war and achieving their independence.

The convening of the First
Continental Congress-I give it a 7 because it was the first meeting that the colonies had about the idea of overthrowing Britain’s control over the colonies. In my opinion there were other more important gatherings like the Second Continental Congress.

Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense- I give it an 8 or 9 because it made the colonist think about how being under the control of the English was unfair and corrupt.

The writing of the Declaration of Independence–I give it a 10 because this basically told Britain that the colonies wanted their independence and they would do anything to get, even fight for it.

I have to disagree with princess**** and with other posters because they gave the stamp act a very low rating. In my opinion I think that the stamp act actually deserves a much higher rating due to the fact that it was the staring point of the tension. If there was no stamp act there would have never been any form of revolutionary talk or movement.

I have to agree with justinee wienee when he or she gave a 9 to the Boston Tea Party. The reason is because in my opinion this was the fist time that the colonies actually stood up for them selves and proved Britain that they were not going to put up with their ideas anymore.

Hend said...

Hey I forgot to rate the Boston Tea party. I rate it as a 9 because as benna15 stated, it was the first radical revolutionary reaction invoked by discontent of Parliament's Townshend acts.

Hend said...

I disagree with "IAmHidalgo" when they rate the Stamp Acts with a four "due to small taxation issues". The stamp acts were actually extremely essential in provoking discontent and revolutionary action. The colonists viewed the stamp act as a violation of their liberties and their rights as Englishmen. The Stamp Act was actually notably named the "TARGET OF AMERICAN ANGER". Not only did they initiate colonial anger and discontent, but in reaction, the Stamp Act congress was formed. This was a major step toward colonial unity. Sons and Daughters of liberty protested "No taxation without representation". Even more important, the repeal of the stamp acts lead to the issuing of the Declaratory Acts, which introduced a weakness in England with regard to colonial independence.


The events that lead to the revolution and increased tension were:
1)the stamp act- i'd give it a 6 because it led to the beginning of the colonist protests and rebellions.
2)the boston massacre- i'd give it a 8 because it left so much tension between the British and the colonist and it made so many people angry.
3)the boston tea party- i'd give it a 7 because it was a great stand up to the British government and it gave them confidence to progress with the revolution.
4)The Intolerable Acts- id give them a 6 because it lead to the first continental congress.
5)First Continental Congress- i'd give the first continental congress an 9 also because it lead to unity of all of the colonies.
6)Battle of Lexington and Concord- i'd give these a 9 because they were pretty much the beginning of the revolutionary war.
7)"Common Sense"- "Common Sense" would get a 9 also because it made the people feel like they should be independent and it helped start the revolution.
8)Declaration of Independence- the declaration will definitely get a 10 in my book because it united all the coloines and it was the perfect way for colonist to end the American Revolution.

1iszt1eistdie1iste said...

justinee weenie, didnt the war go for a couple of years before the declaration was even proposed?

Gio1022 said...

Stamp Act- I would give this event about a 7 because it came as a surprising blow to the colonists. Their reaction was much more than slight discontent; they came together as one because of a common hate of the tax and thus organized nonimportational agreements. This also demonstrated to Britain how its authority was beginning to slip in the colonies.

Townshend Tea Tax- Despite the fact that this was an indirect tax on the colonists, it still caused some discontent throughout the colonies. However, the reaction was not as severe as the Stamp Act, so I would give this event a 6.

Boston Massacre- This event was definitely a large step towards revolution because it involved physical conflict between the British and the colonists. This is why I give this event an 8. The Boston Massacre also caused massive reactions by both colonists and Englishmen.

Boston Tea Party- This event deserves a 6, in my opinion. The colonists flatly defied not only British authortity, but also the authority of the Massachusetts governor. This event also led to the Intolerable Acts as a British reaction, and great sympathy as a colonial reaction.

Intolerable Acts- These acts were greatly influential in the path towards revolution, therefore I give them an 8. The colonists of Massachusetts were mostly affected by these, but the reaction to them was all over the colonies. The renaming of the "Coersive Acts" gives insight into the thoughts of the colonists, implying their outrage.

First Continental Congress- The mere fact that delagates from nearly all of the colonies attended the congress was a great leap forward for colonial unity. This is why I would give this event an 8. The congress also wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Man, and sent grievances and complaints to Britain in a diplomatic way.

The Battles of Lexington and Concord- These battles marked the beginning of the Revolution and the end of British rule. Thus, I give these events a 10. The colonists finally saw themselves as a united people against British authority and took arms to defend themselves. The victory at Concord also proved to the British that the colonies were prepared, and able to fight, dismissing previous ideas of colonial incapability.

The Publication of Common Sense- However popular this book was, it did not incredibly influence the thoughts of many colonists, in the aspect of outright revolution. On the other hand, it did introduce the radical concept of republicanism into the minds of the colonists. This would later be used to form the basis of the American government. Therefore, I give this event a 5.

The writing of the Declaration of Independence- The cry of this event could not be more clear. The colonies proclaimed themselves completely separated from British rule, hence defying any form of British authority. Their declaration directly led to the struggle of the Revolution itself, so this event obviously deserves a 10.

Gio1022 said...

I would disagree with Noshan Nerw on his/her rating of the publication of Common Sense, as I didn't believe it to deserve a 9. Sure, the reaction to the book was all throughout the colonies, but I don't believe it to be nearly as important (in the aspect of Revolution) as actual conflict between the colonies and Britain.

James Owns You :] said...

Stamp Act-I think that this event deserves a 6 because it just aggravated the colonists.

Townshend Tea Tax-This gets an 8 because it further angered the colonists as well as continued taxing without representation

Boston Massacre-Receives an 8 because it was a violent and physical uproar and involved the killing and injuring of many colonists

Boston Tea Part-Is awarded a 7 because it wasn't anything violent but it was the first true assault in terms of rebellion.

The "Intolerable Acts"-Probably gets an 8 because it definitely pushed the colonists, especially Massachusetts and more specifically Boston, to the edge and stripped Massachusetts colonial rights.

Battle of Lexington and Concord-Gets a 10 due to the "shot heard round the world" and the true start of the revolution.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense-Definitely receives a 9 because it influenced many minds on overthrowing the monarchy and claim independence as well as establish a republic.

Declaration of Independence- Gets a 12 because it officially proved to Britain that the Americas wants nothing to do in it's empire anymore and that it was the separate into it's own independent country.

James Owns You :] said...

I disagree with MizChinkyEyez because I think Thomas Paine's pamphlet deserved a much higher rating due to the enlightened minds it influenced in the Americas.

I agree with Luoyuejia because the events seem to be within precise ratings in the effect they had on the Revolution and how the Revolution started.

lil chris said...

Many events led to the American Revolution, starting with the Proclamation of 1763, in which I would rank this event a 4 because it prohibited British settlement in the area beyond the Appalachians in hope to settle problems with the Indians. However the colonist responded by expanding westward anyways. The Stamp Act deserves a 7 because the colonist responded to the taxes on paper materials by not paying for taxes due to their belief of "no taxation without representation" and through the non importation agreement against British goods. The Townshend Tea Tax, would be a 5 because the colonist saw them as a British attempt to enchain them, thus discontent still continued between the British and the colonist. The Boston Massacre deserves an 8, in which violence between the colonist and British Redcoats occurred. The Boston Tea Party should be a 7 because the colonist responded to Tea tax through actions of dumping all the East India Company's tea in the Boston Harbor and rallying. The Intolerable Acts should be a 7 because they caused much animosity within the colonist, due to the restrictions placed on town meetings, the new Quartering Act, and swept the charter rights of the Massachusetts colony. In response the colonies summoned the Continental Congress, which deserves a 6, because 12 of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to consider ways of redressing colonial grievances. the Battle of Lexington and Concord should be considered 9 because it was all out war between Britain and the colonies, however this was not revolution. Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense" should be a 6, because he describes the King as a "Royal brute of Great Britain" and his ideas of republicanism led colonies to consider a political society that was not ruled by a corrupt despotic monarch like Great Britain. Lastly, the Declaration of Independence should be a 10, in which it demanded Independence and listed reasons for it. In addition it spoke about "natural human rights" and influenced the war between the colonies and Britain, and the American Revolution.

whatevs_trishh said...

The Stamp Act was one of the first laws that was imposed on the colonies. I would rate this a 6 because it caused one of the first conflicts between the colonies and the British, but not a complete vicious war. It was the beginning of bitterness towards the British because it made the Americans accept the Stamp Act Congress and nonimportation agreements.

The Townshend Tea Tax was another tax by the British imposed on the colonies. I would rate this a 7. After rebelling against the Stamp Act, the colonies made it clear they weren't happy with taxes. Imposing another tax only made them angrier and more hostile.

The Boston Massacre was a hostile event between the colonists and British soldiers. I would rate this an 8 because it was a bloody conflict between them. It was a very clear display of the growing tension between the colonies and their mother nation and how much the colonies were willing to put up with.

The Boston Tea Party was when the colonies dumped tea into the harbor. I would rate this a 7 because it stirred up confidence to actually stand up and continue with their revolution. It demonstrated that the colonists were not going to accept whaetever the British threw at them. The colonists were able to show their anger towards the mother country by renewing their spirits. It was a show of their strong American resistence.

The Intolerable Acts were what I believe led to the creation of the First Continental Congress. Because of this, I would rate it an 8. It impacted the colonies greatly because they spreaded and kept the desire to resist the acts. They only provoked the anger of the colonists.

The First Continental Congress would be rated a 6. It was a meeting between the colonists grievances that would eventually led up to colonial unity but it wasn't a act of rebellion towards revolution.

The Battle of Lexington and Concrod was a significant battle between the colonists and the British. I would rate this event an 9 because it allowed the Americans to show vengeful feelings toward their mother country.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense was a pamphlet that he published with his opinions of the events going on. I would rate this a 5. It wasn't a major show of discontent but it did somehow impact the desire for change.

The Declaration of Independence was the final step of revolution. I would rate this a 10. It showed that the revolution was a final and successful movement by the colonists. It showed that they had a written agreement that reflected that independence was the foundation of their actions.

lil chris said...

I agree with NOSHAN NERW for ranking the Battle of Lexington and Concord a 9 because it basically was war between Britain and the colonies, however, the one point doesnt make it a 10 is because the battle was revolution.

i also agree with benaa15 for ranking the Boston Massacre as an 8, because violence ocurred between the British and colonist, however, it was not an all out war or revolution.

whatevs_trishh said...

I disagree when they said that Common Sense was rated a 9. We both agreed that the Declaration of Independence was a 10, and I don't believe the pamphlet was right behind that. It didn't create such a great impact to have such a high rating.

James Owns You :]
I agree with the rating of the Boston Massacre. We both rated it an 8 and had the same opinion about it.

mondile said...

1)Townshend Acts: I would give this event an 7 because it showed the beginning of the colonists being taxed. Although it was a light tax, it still showed that the British were being sneaky.
2) Stamp Act: I would give a 7 because it forced the colonists to pay for taxes by Parliament without their consent.
3)Boston Massacre: I would give this event an 7 because it demonstrated British neglect of the colonists. They shot at the colonists and didn't care about who or what they were aiming for.
4)Boston Tea Party: I would give this event a 9 because it showed that the Patriots had a common purpose to initiate protest against the British. They dumped British tea into the harbor, which showed their courage and determination against Parliament.
5)Intolerable Acts: I would give this event a 7 because it showed the togetherness of the colonists at the First Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia. It showed the unity between the colonies, which ultimately helped the war.
6) Battle of Lexington and Concord: I would give this event an 8 because this was the ultimate beginning of the start of the war, leading to the revolution.
7)Common Sense by Thomas Paine: I would give this publication and event a 9 because it stirred commotion through the colonies by declaring that realization that Britian, merely an island, to control colonial America in a big continent like North America.
8) Declaration of Independence: I would give this event a 10 because this marks the most immense contribution in unifying the colonies to fight with a common purpose. It showed the complete ignorance of Parliament and fight towards British Tories.

1iszt1eistdie1iste said...

a b cd e f gh i j

A-1763. Proclamation of 1763.
When the king put this act in place, it made the colonists go in an uproar. They thought that Britain was trying to restrict them, and after fighting in the seven years war, it felt like they were being cheated.

B-1763. Enforcing the Navigation Laws.
Forced the colonists to only do commerce with Britain. Restricted economic freedom. Go figure how they reacted to that.

C-1765. The Quartering Act.
Forced colonists to lend complete strangers from the British army quarters and food. Go figure again.

D-1765. The Stamp Act.
The act forced colonist to buy stamps to certify that they paid taxes. This definitely outraged the colonists even more. Economic restriction coupled with harshened fiscal responsibilities is not a good thing.

E-1767. Townshend Tea Tax.
More taxes. Go figure. Except this time, some of the revenue is paid to royal governers, who which the Americans can only control by holding their pay.

F-1770. Boston Massacre.
Yeah, a mass murder of colonists didnt stir anyone up.

G-1773. Boston Tea Party.
The rowdy colonists, being as arrogant as they are, denied British tea. And when it was forced upon them, they chuck it into the sea. Sacrilege! Pissed the British a right ol amount.

H-1774. The Intolerable Acts.
An umbrella term for the Boston Port act and others, this was Britains response for colonial disobediece. Obviously the Americans didnt like this. There was now a harsher form of the Quartering Act and Britains who commited crimes in the colony get trialed in Britain, supposedly getting off "scot-free."

I-1774. The Quebec Act.
The Intolerable acts were mostly a b*tchslap to the Massachusetts colony. But the Quebec Act really pissed of the Americans cuz they like, wanted to like, take all teh land, 4 dem selvz like dat. Dey wir all lyk, "F*** the French! Dat strip o land b longs to us." The were also shocked at the idea of seeing Catholics to the west. You know, cuz theyre player haters.

J-1775. Concord and Lexington.
British sought the leaders of a rebellious cell, however they were attacked by the local peoples. Finally some violence. Violence solves everything! It wont definitely piss of the British! It wont! Evidence of this is when the British declared war on the colonies. Yup.

Well I hope you had fun! I didnt.

Oh and who liked my dragon chart, eh?

viaeenie said...

Stamp Act: The tax met with great resistance in the colonies, giving it a rating of a 6. The colonists have been used to their rights as Englishmen where they were taxed only with their consent, in which it was only granted by their colonial legislatures. This act easily aroused them to protest and petitioned the Parliament and the King. Also, it reflected the first joint colonial response to any British measure and such protests turned violent and destructive. The principle of no taxation without representation was important to the colonists in which they were beginning to refuse the authority of Parliament, leading to their own political independence.

Townshend Tea Tax: Similar to the Stamp Act where the colonists were taxed without their consent, this act was rather indirect, giving it a rating of a 5. Still in their rebellious mood after the victory of repealing the Stamp Act, the act led to the outrage among the colonists which sparked many riots. This tax caused smugglers to import illegal goods and organizing illegal boycotts. The British became vulnerable from the economic pressure of the boycotts and eventually repealed the Townshend Act.

Boston Massacre: This event would have a rating of an 8 because it was one of several events that turned colonial sentiment against British rule. The tension between the Americans and the British were running high due to the British government attempt to increase control over the colonies, which is shown through the unfortunate death and injuries of the Bostonians. While it took five years from the Massacre to outright revolution, it foreshadowed the violent rebellion to come and united the colonies against Britain.

Boston Tea Party: The East India Company was on a verge of bankruptcy and to help them, the government passed the Tea Act allowing the company to export its merchandize directly to the colonies. Although the teas were a cheaper price, it sill angered colonists merchants, who feared being replaced and bankrupted by a powerful monopoly. This act revived the colonial issue of taxation without representation. The colonies once again demanded that the British government remove the tax on tea. In addition, the dockworkers began refusing to unload the tea from ships that soon led to the dumping of tea into the Boston Harbor.

Intolerable Acts: The acts continued to trigger discontent among the colonists which sparked their outrage and resistance. It was important in developing the growth of the American Revolution. These laws were hoped to isolate radicals in Massachusetts and caused American colonists to concede the authority of Parliament over their elected assemblies. Because of the harshness of these acts placed on the colonists, it was difficult for moderates in the colonies to speak in favor of Parliament. The colonists viewed the acts as a violation of their constitutional rights, leading for the formation of the First Continental congress to coordinate their response, which would give it a rating of a 6.

First Continental Congress: It was met by a body of representatives to help organize the Americans into war with Britain, which would be given a 5. Together, they created The Association that called for a complete boycott of British goods and soon later, imports from Britain dropped.

Battle of Lexington and Concord: This would be an 8 because the battles were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War which marked the outbreak of open conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain.

Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”: This radical and influential document would be rated a 5 because it challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. It called for a republic form of government and an end to hereditary aristocracy.

Declaration of Independence: This significant document has a rating of a 10 because it declared that the thirteen colonies have complete independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was used as a foreign policy announcement in which the United States was now separate and an independent nation, causing the war to escalate from a civil war to a war of independence.

viaeenie said...

I agree with MizChinkyEyez about the Intolerable Acts. It was given a fair rating because even though the acts brought discontent among the colonists, they handled it quite differently and responsibly. Instead of protesting, boycotting, and rebelling, they organized the First Continental Congress to redress the colonial grievances affectively.

I disagree with Justinee Wienee in which the Boston Tea Party was given such a high rating. Although it did involve destroying numerous of tea crates, it was not a gruesome revolt or boycott. In fact, it was cheered among the colonists as this event was happening. A rating between 6 and 7 would most fit this event because it still helped spark the American Revolution and the colonists’ desire to break free from their dependability on Britain and their exports.

1iszt1eistdie1iste said...

totally disagree with viaeenie with the declaration. the book already said that it was more or less an explanation of why the colonies were severing ties with Britain.

ill blame gradeschool for that one.

historykid16 said...

Stamp Act-For this event I would give it an 8 because this tax greatly angered the colonists and stirred the outcry of "no taxation without representation."

Townshend Tea Tax-This event would get a 4 because the colonists took this law very lightly and it was an indirect tax which did not anger them greatly.

Boston Massacre-This event would get a 9 because a clash was inevitable and people were full on fighting and dying even if for rebellious reasons.

Boston Tea Party-I give this event a 9 also because although no one was actually fighting, the colonists were rather angry over the tax on tea and tried to eliminate the tempting British export to rally rebellious Americans.

Intolerable Acts-For this event I give it a 6 because Americans were angry, but these laws were mostly directed at Massachusetts and not at all the colonies.

First Continental Congress-This gathering of colonial leaders will get a 5 because the colonies unified and discussed peacefully, but they were discontent with British prices and called for a complete boycott of English goods.

Battle of Lexington and Concord-This battle shall have a 10 because it was a full on battle with the whole shebang. The rebellious colonies had taken action and so had the British.

Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"-This event gets a 2 because the colonists were somewhat pleased with the publication of a pamphlet that advocated independence and the overthrow of a monarch for a free nation.

Declaration of Independence-The signing gets a 3 because Americans were peaceful and united and wanted to be a free nation with their own government and represented themselves without bloodshed through this document.

weeshabangxd said...

Stamp Act (8) It deserves this rank for the most part because it showed elements of discontent that were close to revotion but not quite there yet. When Prime Minister Grenville issued the stamp tax, colonists felt fed up with all the liberties they felt they were losing. They imediately took action, protested against it, and refused to continue import or export with Britain. Because of this effort, it led to the repealing of the Stamp Act, showing that the colonists had control over the situation and brought it back down to level before an official revolution could begin.

Townshend Tea Tax (6) It deserves this rank because although it did show discontent, it wasn't even enough for the colonists to rebel at the slightest. Colonists felt angered by the tax, but did not have as much opposition to it. They continued with nonimportation agreements, but it was more flex than when they were against the Stamp Act. And because they found a way around the taxes on tea, such as smuggling it in for a cheap price, they regarded it less.

Boston Massacre (7) It deserves this rank because the colonists took up after an event that cause them to feel undeniable anger towards the redcoats. They showed the retaliation by taunting and throwing snowballs at the soldiers. It showed the discontent they had towards the British for a murder of a child who was in a protest they had against British goods.

Boston Tea Party (9) I honestly believe this event deserves this rank because at this point they were pretty much close to revolution. The British pushed forward to land their tea ships in the docks of the American land and most never made it, while Governor Thomas Hutchinson refused to not let the ships land. Because the colonists completely despised what was being done against their will, they rebelled and threw the tea into the harbor, ruining the Governor's plans. Their open opposition to British proved to be enough to keep the colonists' hearts in an angry heat, and enough for them to keep on rebelling, which would eventually lead to the revolution.

"Intolerable Acts" (7) The Intolerable Acts were mainly aimed for Massachusetts on the basis of all the trouble it had caused Britain. Colonists were angry about the laws and discontent rose around the colonies. It brought the thought of standing up to the Britsh. It even led to the summoning of a Continental Congress, which showed the building foundation of unity throughout the colonies.

First Continental Congress (5) It deserves this rank because it was a meeting with all official members of the colonies to discuss ways to resist the acts being placed against them by the British. It did raise some discontent, obviously because they met to fix the problems, but it did not bring about complete revolution.

Battle of Lexington & Concord
It deserves this rank because it showed the discontent that the colonists had with the motherland. They took matters into their hands and fought with the redcoats, one on one. It was a complete sign of rebellion and it brought more minds into a rage that would lead to a full blown rebellion.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense (6) Although this pamphlet was one of the most influential pieces written, it only brought about slight discontent at the most. It did not cause full out war, but it did get more minds to think about the "obvious right thing to do." It stirred mixed feelings towards whether or not striving for independence was key for the colonies.

Declaration of Independence (10) This is definitely at its rank because it is not only a declaration of independence, it was a declaration of war between two nations. It declared the fact that the colonists no longer wanted to deal with the issues that the British kept feeding them with. They strove for independence and for their natural liberties and did not turn back. Colonists were at a full time mindset of discontent and had finally unified as a whole in a common cause to block the British from stripping them of what was truly theirs.

weeshabangxd said...

i disagree with the ranking of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Although it did raise minds to think about independence, it didn't mean that it brought out the most discontent it could have within the colonies. It only called for action, not actually meaning it brought about uprisings, revolts, and such.

i agree with the statements about the Battle of Lexington & Concord, although I did not rank it the same. I just felt that instead of it actually being a full-on step in revolution, it led to it, but was not quite yet there.

lakers_117 said...

All of these events had some type of influence in igniting the start of the revolution. The Stamp Act was the first direct tax on the colonies and thus angered the colonists who did not want to pay any extra taxes to the British. Therefore, this event was about a 6 as it was the first of many taxes. Next, the Townshend Tea Tax was a tax on imported tea proposed by Charles Townshend. Although this tax was not a direct tax, it still infuriated the colonists and would thus be a 7. The Boston Massacre was the killing of Bostonian civilians by British redcoats while they were protesting outside the State House. This slaughter would be a 8 as it foreshadowed the coming conflict between the colonies and Britain. The Boston Tea Party was a response to the tea tax in which the Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians threw hundreds of cases of tea into the Boston Harbor. This event would be an 8 as it was the first true colonial response against Britain that would evoke a strong punishment. These punishments came in the form of the Intolerable Acts which included a new Quartering Act, Boston port act, quebec act and others limiting the rights of the colonies. This event would be a 9 as it severely infuriated the colonists who felt they were being oppressed by Britain. The First Continental Congress was the meeting of delegates from some/most of the states to discuss the problem of the British. It would be a 9 as it formally recognized a problem and attempted to resolve it with new indirect solutions. The Battle of Lexington and Concord would be a 10 as they were the first armed conflicts of the British and the colonies. Therefore, the war had begun. Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" supported the new revolution and called for the integration of a republic. Therefore, this would be a 10 as it directly called for a revolution. Lastly, the Declaration of Independence was the legal document that proclaimed the independence of the US and would thus be a 10. therefore, these events quickly escalated the relationship between the British and the colonies and thus led to revolution.

lakers_117 said...

I agree with viaeenie regarding the Stamp Act as the colonists were used to their British rights and lack of direct taxation. Therefore, when they were finally taxed for their protection, they were furious.

I also agree with mondile on the declaration of independence being a 10. This was the legal document that finally proclaimed independence for the colonies and thus was integral to the revolution and development of a new nation.

raiders10 said...

i would give the stamp act a 7 for the colonists disliking the taxes and some rebbelling yet not all. the boston massacre would get an 8 or 9 because of the killing of civlians for practiacally no reason. the Boston Tea Party about a 6 becuase it showed some peace and happiness and only some violence to it. the first continental congress a 4 because they met to discuss the colonial grievances not leading to much rebellion if any. the battle of lexington a 9 becuase it led to the revolution and many killed in the battle. and the declaration of in dependance a 1 because it showed the breaking off of the colonies from britain and the new beggining for the colonies

Marissa Washington said...

I would give the stamp act a 7 because after the british put this into place, american colonists were upset. The stamp act required all legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers, wills, pamphlets, and playing cards in the American colonies to carry a tax stamp. This was put into place so Americans could contribute to the British army after the French and Indian war.
I would give the Townshend Tea Tax a 6 because it created some uproar in the American colonies. This act taxed colonist on basic items such as glass, paper, and other basic commodities.
The boston massacre is when the British army killed 4 american citizens after a minor riot against the soldiers. I would rate this event a 10 because this is what sparked the American revolution.
The Boston tea party is when the colonist dumped pounds of tea in the ocean after the british announced that the americans were basically forced to sell it. I would rate this event a nine because after the americans did this, the british enforced a series of acts that led to uprisings.
The Intolerable acts were various acts that made colonial life dificult particularly in Boson. These acts were put into affect after the Boston Tea Party. I would rate this a 9 because it caused derious tensions between the british and the colonist.
The first continental congress was a meeting between revolutionaries such as john adams, samuel adams, george washington, and many more in order to refute the intolerable acts. The congress was able to accomplish a document which boycotted all british products. I would rate this an 8 because the boycott was succedful and the British were upset.
The battle of lexington was the first official battle of the American Revolution. I would rate this a ten.
The battle of concord was the first american victory. I would rate this a 10 because it gave americans the confidence to win the wars it rallied the americans , but did not significantly affect the british.
The declaration of independence was a letter to britain stating american independence. This is a 10 because it stated to britain that we wanted independence, which caused tensions.

Marissa Washington said...

I agree with justinee wienee on her ratings of the events.

Marissa Washington said...

I also agree with ceejayjay on thier ratings

Marcus Jones II said...

Stamp Act -Due the fact that it caused havoc and distress amongst the people that suffered from this extra tax.
Townshend Tea Tax- 5 This was just in the middle, people responded differently to it.
Boston Massacre- 9- Very Barbaric, and a lot of people died.
Boston Tea Party- 7- Although there was no violence, the message was pretty clear.
"Intolerable Acts" - 8-Great Britain hoped that the Intolerable Acts would isolate radicals in Massachusetts and cause American colonists to concede the authority of Parliament over their elected assemblies
Convening of the First Continental Congress- 5 - I really cant find a a good explanation of this one sorry. Could someone explain it to me. Thnx
Battle of Lexington and Concord-10-Hello, it was a battle that a decent amount of people died.
Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense"- 1- To me as no real problems, they just finally came to a realization for separation but that was just another idea.
Declaration of Independence-10- That was just down right dirty. In simple terms, they simply said, " leave us the heck alone and we are leaving. Stop trying to con us out of money. Good Bye and good Ridens."

Marcus Jones II said...

I agree with Mondile giving the Dec. of Ind. a 10 because like I said, that was down right dirty.

I disagree with Marissa giving the Tea Party a 10 because that was a little extreme, it's not like they said that we want war pr what not but they dumped some tea into the ocean to get a point across so that is why i rated it 7.-mjones

tinkerbell09 said...

The Battle of Lexington and the Battle Of Concord, I would rate a 10. These battles were the beginning of the American Revolution. They were the start of many battles to come.

Boston Massacre I would also rate a 10. The British army killed 4 American colonists after a small riot against the soldiers. This showed the violence to come, also the lack of discipline the British army had. They just killed someone when they wanted.

Boston Tea Party is a 9. Colonists dumped out alot of tea into the harbor. This was caused by the British telling Americans they had to sell tea. This shows the colonists were getting fed up with the Bristish and were now taking action against them.

The Intolerable Acts are an 8, these acts were ones that made life for colonists difficult in Boston. These acts were put into affect after the Boston Tea Party. All this did was make the colonists angry, and want to strike out against the British.

The First Continental Congress is a 7. This is when many revolutionaries came together and tried to refute the Intolerable Acts. This congress established a document that boycotted all British products. This begins to show us the Americans are able to take action against British.

The Stamp Act is a 6 because it made American colonists angry and upset. The stamp act required all playing cards, commercial contracts, newspapers, documents, permits to carry a tax stamp. Colonists did not like this act and wanted to do something about it.

The Townshed Tea Tax is a 5, because American colonists were upset. It taxed colonists on basic items such as paper, glass, and more. Colonists felt like they were being treated unfair and they were upset.

The Declaration of Independence is a 4 for me. It is because it gave all humans equal rights, so that showed some sort of happiness and peace. At the same time this showed they wanted to be independent and away from all of countries. So in a way it was sort of peaceful but also leading towards American Revolution.

tinkerbell09 said...

I do not agree with justinee wienee. She rated the Declaration of Independence a 10. She reasons for her rating, kind of confuse me, she said it shows colonies becoming free and have people agree. To me, that doesn't show how that this event most led to the American Revolution.

I agree with righteousprofet, thi sperson rated the first Continental Congress a 10. The reason is, it shows how it led to unity of all colonies now they were bound together they could fight as one. That is an awesome reason and I totally agree.

JayAguilar86 said...

>>Stamp Act - 7. There was a spirit opposition and people were severely punished for their protesting against this act, but there was no war as a result.
>>Townshend Act(s) - 7. Again there were riots, uprisings, rebellions, and boycotting but no declared war as a result of the acts themselves.
>>Boston Massacre - 9. Death of Americans from the British muskets were involved in this particular event. This enraged the Americans and would be a crucial precursor to the Revolutionary War.
>>Intolerable Acts - 6. Much tension and boycotting went on as a result of these acts, colonies began to band together as opposition to this British pestilence.
>>First Continental Congress - 5. Formed against the Intolerable Acts, but was a political opposition not a declared war.
>>Lexington/Concord - 10. WAR!
>>"Common Sense" - 5. Aroused the minds of the colonists against the royal crown, but no death involved.

Anonymous said...

1. Stamp Act- (5) colonist had to pay for taxes but had pros and cons
2. Townshend Act- (4) they charged tax but in trying not to make it obvious
3. Boston Massacre- (10) a lot of people died because red coats it was very violent
4. Boston Tea Party- (8)it wasnt as bad as Boston massacre and mainly people were just protesting because of what they believed by dumping the tea
5. Intolerable Acts- (4) it mainly just led into the convening of first continental congress
6. Convening Of First Continental Congress- (5)discontent so leaders like John Adams used the discontent to sway his colleagues to a revolutionary course
7.Battle of Lexington and Concord- (8) because the battles were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War which marked the outbreak of open conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain
8.Common Sense- (2)there wasn't really that many problems
9. Declaration of Independence- (1) all that Americans wanted was to be free and have their own gov.

and this is Joselin from 3 period [:

Aalairius said...

Stamp Act-4- A simple taxation was put upon stamped goods and the Colonieswho were outraged, had a non-voilent refusal

Townshend Tea Tax -4- Same as before

The Boston Massacre -!9!- Open killing of Colonial citizens

The Boston Tea Party -7- Destroying of english tea in response to a tax put upon tea related products.

The Intolerable Acts -8-
A response to the Boston Tea Party which sent the colonies into a frenzy of independence, these mainly targeted Massachussetts

The convening of the First Continental Congress -8- A body of representatives that was set up to create the "Second Contenential Congress" which was establish to openly declare war against the English

The Battles of Lexington and Concord -10- they were the first military engagements of the Revolutionary War

Thomas Paine's publication Common Sense -9- Awakened the Colonies of the corrupt Monarch and why they should seek Independance

The Declaration of Independence -11(zomg!)- The first open declaration of the colonies seeking Independence

Aalairius said...

Oh yea it took me like 40 friggin minutes to figure out how to log onto this site rofl

Anonymous said...

alright here we go:

The Stamp Act: I would rate as a 5 because this was just the beginning of discontentment. The colonists had an issue with the fact that they were being taxed without representation rather than the fact that they were being taxed.

Townshend Tea Tax: I would rate as a 6 or 7 due to that the colonists were building up resentment again for the sole purpose that they were being taxed without representation.

The Boston Massacre: I would rate a 7 because it was an event that the colonists brought on themselves. they were reacting inappropriately to feelings and resentment that they felt towards a child's death resulting in harassment of a squad of soldiers and the dead/injured numbered 11.

Boston Tea Party: i would rate an 8 because the colonists were actively showing their views and disobedience to the mother country's views.

Intolerable Acts: I would rate this event a 10 because these acts caused much outrage from the colonists and was a major factor leading to the American Revolution. These acts also showed England's motive of keeping the colonies under strict regulation, therefore it is also known as the Coersive Acts.

First Continental Congress: I would rate a 7 because this was an attempt to keep good relations with England in response to the Intolerable Acts.

Battle of Lexington: I rate a 10 because it was one of the first battles of the American Revolution and at this point the chances of going back was slim and none.

Battle of Concord: I rate the 10 same as the Battle of Lexington because it was armed conflict and chances of going back are none.

Thomas Paine's "Common Sense": I would rate an 8 because it turned alot of people over to the side of the colonists and gained many sympathizers for the American side.

Declaration of Independence: i would rate a 10 because it was a confirmation of the issues that the colonists had and established independence from England.

yay! finished ^-^

Anonymous said...

i agree with most of the people's ratings(justinee wienee, righteousprophet, viannie, etc) on the Declaration of Independence because it WAS the final act of the American Revolution.

Anonymous said...

However, i disagree with weeshabangxd because i believe that thomas paine's "common sense" made more of an impact on the American Revolution and gained sympathies for the revolutionary colonists.

christi815 said...

Proclamation Act(1763)- Colonists saw it as another form of oppression from a far away country. Angered and in defiance of the act, they crowded the westward trials, so this event, therefore, rates a 7 with somewhat more than discontent but not enough for war.

Stamp Tax(1765)- Americans felt that they were unfairly taxed for an unnecessary army. Hadn’t the French army and Pontiac’s warriors been defeated? So, they lashed back violently and used the slogan, “No taxation without representation!” taking it up on themselves to enforce this principle, rating this event at an 8 -not enough for a war, but getting there.

Townshend Tea Tax(1767)- Parliament put light taxes on white lead, paper, paint, and tea. For the restless colonists, this was an insult because it was still taxation without representation, no matter what form. However, they took this new tax less seriously and as a result, tea became smuggled, rating this event at a 5 with slight discontent

Boston Massacre(1770)- Eleven “innocent” citizens were killed and only two Redcoats were prosecuted while the others walked away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. As a result, the colonies, in order to spread propaganda and keep the rebellious moods, set up committees of correspondence, giving this event a rate of 8-not enough for war, but in great discontent.

Boston Tea party(1773)- The British decided to sell the unsold tea threatening them to bankruptcy, to the Americans, who were suspicious and felt that it was a shabby attempt to trick them with the bait of cheaper tea and pay tax. Outraged, a group of colonists disguised as Indians opened 342 chests and dumped the tea into the ocean. Their actions and reactions show their utter discontent at a rate of 8

Intolerable Acts(1774)- Americans saw their territory threatened and Britain’s brutal punishment that closed the harbor brought sister colonies to send food to Massachusetts. This rates at a 7 for the American’s discontent.

The First Continental Congress (1774)-It met to discuss problems as a result of the Intolerable Acts. While not wanting independence then, it did come up with a list of grievances, which were ignored in Parliament. Also, they came up with a Declaration of Rights. 7 with discontent but not enough for war because the independence was not a subject of discussion yet.

Battle of Lexington and concord (1775) -The “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” Minutemen, after having eight of their own killed at Lexington, fought back at Concord. Rated 9 for discontent but still not yet a revolution. The colonists were still conservative and there was still no well-defined sentiment for independence.

Common sense(1776) - Thomas Paine published Common Sense, which urged colonials to stop this war of inconsistency, stop pretending loyalty, and just fight. Nowhere in the universe did a smaller body control a larger one, Paine argued implying that Britain should not control gigantic America. It stirred feelings of discontent and war giving it a rate of 8.

Declaration of Independence(1776) -Lee urged for complete independence. He came up with a list of grievances against King George III and persuasively explained why the colonies had the right to revolt, deserving a rate of 10 for the start of all out discontent and revolution.

christi815 said...

I disagree with Mondile's rating of a 7 for Townshend Acts because the colonists actually took it less seriously. It was a light and indirect tax and that’s why there were so many smugglers. Yea, it showed that the British were being sneaky but it did not give the colonists great discontent so it should be more of a 5 for slight discontent than 7, leaning towards all out discontent. Also, it didn’t show the beginning of the colonists being taxed. The Townshend Acts came after the Stamp Tax and the Sugar Act, which was the actual beginning.

christi815 said...

I agree with viaeenie for the declaration of independence rating at a 10 because it showed that the colonists no longer wanted to deal with the issues imposed on them. That wanted independence and were willing to go to war for it. And I disagree with 1iszt1eistdie1iste in his disagreement with viaeenie for the declaration. Sure, it was an explanation but it did more than that. It showed their “all-out discontent” and that they were ready for a “revolution” if necessary, both reasons for a ranking of 10. Answer the complete blog question including rating the declaration of independence yourself before “blaming grade school” for anyone’s opinion. It’s disrespectful.

brownie-pants said...

A lot of events led to the revolution and the most significant ones are ofcourse the stamp act, townshed tea taz, boston massacre, boston tea party, intoreable acts, the first continental congress, the batte of lexington and concord, and Thomas paines "Common Sense."

The Stamp act was a big deal. During this act the colonists learned that they have a say and can make a difference. The stamp act would receive a 7 because it started the road to the revolution. The act showed the colonists what they are capable of. it also helped the colonists realize that if all of them unite then they can acheive what they want.The Townshed Tea tax was another factor that led the path to the revolution. I would give it an 4 because it wasnt as big as the stamp act however it did lead to the Boston Massacre which was a big deal because of the clash between colonists and British soldiers. This is probably an 5 because it was the first real clash against the colonies and british and where people were killed. The Boston tea party is a 6 because the colonists directly defied english order and by dumping the tea has pushed British to the edge. It was showed the parliament that if strong action was not taken soon then they might face severe problems such as losing the colonies.Due to the tea party the parliament was furious and passed the Intolerable acts which consisted of many acts such as the Boston Port act which required the colonists to pay for the cleaning of the Boston Harbor and other acts that really brought down the colonists and enforced British rule. This recieves a 8 because it gave rise to the first continental congress. The first continental congress is rated 9 because it was an change in path because the colonists realize that british it taking way to much control and this was where the thought of revolution arose. When the congress created the Association which boycotted nonimportaion, nonexportation and etc. the british rejected the idea and really made the colonists mad. This led to the Battle of Lexington and Concord the first battle of the revolution. This started the revoution and kindled light to the begninning of a new nation. This receices 10 becuase it was an informal start of the revolution. Lastly, Thomas Paines "Common Sense" is a 4 because it just stated that the british was a corrupt and that this clash was bound to happen. It impacted a lot of colonists and also how they viewed the revolution.

obviouslymatt said...

The stamp act was important in America because it was one of the many elements thrown at the colonists that led them to the revolution. I would give this a 7 because it started protests and casued lots of tension in the colonists. The townshend tea tax would be about a 6. Even though the colonists didn't like the new taxes their recent victories in reducing the other taxes that were imposed on them gave them a little more sense of security. The Boston Massacre would be at least an 8 because British soldiers fired upon colonists and in a way brought the colonies more together for the idea of a revolution. The Boston tea party would be a 7 because the colonists showed their protests through actions instead of just their regular protesting. It showed the British the colonists were serious about this and changes needed to be made. The 'intolerable acts' would be a 6. In reaction to the Boston tea party they British imposed this to show that they had 'control'. It didn't really stir up a whole lot of uprisings like the other taxes. The convening of the First Continental Congress would be a 7. I gave it a seven because it united the colonies together to propose a revolution later on but not on the bases that it caused uprisings. The Battle of Lexington and Concord would be around an 8 because it showed the colonists were willing to fight for their freedom and beliefs and not just protest. 'Common Sense' would be a 7 because it was a widely popular book and sold tons and tons of copies and once again brought a sense of unity between the colonies. The declaration would of course be a 10 because it's basically the colonists saying their going to have no more with the British and their going to break away and form a new country.

kobe17 said...


kobe17 said...



kwix0419 said...

Stamp Act- I would give this an eight because it served as a foundation for the revolution. After the act was repealed, it made Americans spirited and ready to fight for their cause.

Boston Massacre- I would give this a 7 because it showed the Britain's carelessness of the colonists.

Boston Tea Party- This would be an eight because it showed that the Sons of Liberty were taking extreme actions to show their purpose.

Townshend Acts- I'd give Townshend Acts a 6 because the British were sneakily trying to make money out of the colonists.

Intolerable Acts-6, it allowed the colonists to become organized and create a congress, but they were shocked rather than angry of Britain's actions.

First Continental Congress- I would give this a 8 because it brought the colonies together and allowed them to get ready for war.

Lexington- This would be a 9 or 10 because it was a significant battle leading up to the Revolution.

Thomas Paine "Common Sense"- 7.5;because it influenced colonists to break away from Britain.

Declaration of Independence- 10; important event in history that showed the years of hatred of Britain finally allowing the colonies to split.

I disagree with everyone that gave "Common Sense" a 9 or 10. Although it did influence a break from Britain, it was not a primary factor. It gave logical reasons of splitting.

I would agree with mischinkyeyez about giving the declaration a 10. They finally had enough to break away with the crown.

MikeB said...

Townshend Tea Tax: 2 because it actually made tea cheaper, but the colonists still resented being controlled.

Boston Massacre: 6 because it gave Americans propaganda and a reason to fight. The British got a bad image because of this.

Boston Tea Party: 7 because it was the first outright rebellion and was the cornerstone for the American Revolution.

Intolerable Acts: 5 because it didn't originally disconcert the colonists until further actions were taken.

First Continental Congress: 7 because it was the beginning of the planning stages for a revolution.

Battle of Lexington-Concord: 10 because it was the first confronation of American rebels and British forces.

Common Sense: 4 because it did encourage colonists to strive toward Republicanism, but in the grand scheme of things, did little to encourage independence.

Declaration of Independence: 10 because it outlined their grounds for independence and enabled full troop mobilization for both sides

Anonymous said...

Stamp Act- it deserves somewhere around a 6 because it discomfort the americans to pay for a war they believe as britains problem, they fought politically and succeeded to have the stamp act repealed, this was one of the first steps of revolution.

Townshend Tea tax- it deserves a 2 because the colonist were very content with the victory from the stamp act so they took this act less seriously than the stamp act.

Boston Massacre- this event deserves a 7 because this slaughter was tempted by taunting and snowballs from liberty-loving, rebellious colonist, it made the colonist very upset and want to have vengeance, the soldiers were tried and branded

Boston Tea Party- this deserves 7.5, the colonist are showing their true rebellious side when they were offended by the British's attempt to tax them by lowering the prices of tea, the colonist were outraged so they disguesed as natives to throw overboard 342 chest of tea into the sea

Intolerable Acts- it deserves a 5, it was a responce to the turbulence in Boston, the colonist felt alarmed because sustains unrepresentative assemblies and denials of jury trials, overall the colonists were discontent.

First Continental Congress- it deserves an 8 because this is when the colonist politically started to unite, 12 of the 13 colonies met at Philadelphia to redress colonial grievances

Battle of Lexington and Concord- I would give this an 8.5 because it included the massacre of several militiamen and wounded many more, this was amongst the first battles for the colonist as they use guerrila warfare to defeat them

Thomas Paine Common Sense- this would deserve a 9 because this pamphlet of propaganda help the citizens of the colonies realize than this nation must fight to get away from the britsh and have their own way of life.

Declaration of Independenecd- this is a 10,the colonist want to fight the British and gain control of their own government and liberties
that no tyrant would be able to take away

darkruler said...

Stamp act-I would give the stamp act a 6 because it enraged the colonists but no riots or anything occured.

Townshend tea tax-An 8 because after colonists found out about it they rioted against it.

Boston massacre-The boston massacre deserves an 8 because it did involve physical violence but the colonists didn't fight back.

Boston tea party-This event deserves a 9 because this was the colonists first act of all out rebellion.

The Intolerable acts-The Intolerable acts deserve an 8 because they struck hard on Boston because of the Tea Party. It also sparked widespread rebellions.

First Continential Congress-This deserves a 5 because was one of the first meetings of all of the colonies.It also sparked ideas of colonial unity.

Battles of Lexington and Concord-these battles deserve a 9 since open hostilities had begun between the colonies and the motherland.

Common Sense-This deserves an 8 because it put into perspective why the colonies would want to be their own country.

Declaration of Independence-The Declaration deserves a 10 because it united the colonies and it gave colonists the "natural rights" they deserved.

infamousNDN said...

The events that lead to the revolution and increased problems for the colonies were many. To begin with i'd give the Stamp Act a 5 since it was the first thing that led most colonists to protest. Id give the Intolerable Acts a 6 because it lead to the first Continental Congress. Then id give the Boston Tea Party a 8 because it made the British government a little alert and the colonists made progress towards the revolution. I'd give the Boston Massacre about an 8 since it left the redcoats and patriots aggravated with tension. I'd give the First Continental Congress a 9 because it led to the unity of all the colonies. Id give the Battle of Lexington and Concord also a 9 since it was the mark of the beginning of the revolutionary war! I'd give Paine's "Common Sense" a 9 too since it helped start the revolution and made people really feel the need for independence. I'd definately give the Declaration of Independence a 10 since the colonies declared them selves as separate from the British and basically defying British authority over the colonists.

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Stamp Act-6.1723- The stamp act wasn't an all out rebelion, nor did the colonist openly follow it's laws. Although, they did openly protest which is why it gets a 6.

Townshend Tea Act-4.2789- I gave this act a 4 because it wasn't opposed by as strongly in public as the others, but they did ignore it and went against the "law".

Boston Massacre-7.5927- I give this one a 7.5 because the colonists rioted, some people were killed, and also there were numerous other conflicts between troops and colonists.

Boston Tea Party-8.7239-This deserves a 8 because this event sparked the Revolution. Also, the colonists destroyed British goods.

Intolerable Acts-7.6533- I gave this a 7 because the colonists didn't directly oppose the acts but they did resent them and created the Continental Congress.

First Continential Congress-6.8201- I believe this should be a 6 because it was an orginised revolt against Parlament's orders.

Battles of Lexington and Concord-8.9123- I gave this a 8.9 because they were conflicts in which colonists attacked British troops.

"Common Sense"-8.6753- This should be a 8 because it encouraged colonists to break away from the motherland.

Declaration of Independence-10.1337- It was a complete rejection of British control over the New World colonies.

I agree with almost everyone's ideas for the Declaration because it was a revolt.

I agree with darkruler about his ideas about Paine's "Common Sense"

darkruler said...

I dissagree with mikeb when he gave Thomas Paines Common Sense a 4 because it spurred colonists to take action so I think it deserves at least a 6.

Anonymous said...

i disagree with fabulous, that there was mo problems, it made many colonist angry and want to start having their independence from Britain

Anonymous said...

i agree with kwix0419 that the boston massacre showd that the britis doesnt care for the colonist

infamousNDN said...

OH SNAPS! i forgot the two comments! ahhhhh! anyways...

I agree with most of justinee wienee's ratings, except for that she gave The Boston Tea Party a 9. I think its too high, the Sons Of Liberty were fighting for what they believed in yet i believe it was a way for them to give the British a little payback as more of a rebellious act.

I also agree with Teddymund's ratings about everything since they're somewhat close to mine, but i strongly agree with Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" being a 9. This is so because it made an enormous difference by questioning the British authority and letting the colonists know that they shouldnt have to take orders overseas and gave them the need for independence.

kcfellizaaaaarrrr said...

The Stamp Act would probably be between a 6/7 because it caused the colonies to pay taxes, the Boston Massacre would get an 8 because of the violence that occured, which showed the arising conflict between the British and the colonists, the Boston Tea Party would receive an 8 also, because it showed the British that the colonists were serious about the problems they had with the British and it showed that the colonists weren't afraid to take action, the Intolerable Acts would be a 6 because those laws sparked outrage and resistance in the colonies and they believed that it was a violation of their constitutional rights. That eventually led to the First Continental Congress, which I would give a 7 because it showed how the colonies sort of united to organize and respond to the Intolerable Acts. The Battle of Lexington and Concord would get a 9 because they were the first military engagements in the American Revolutionary War, which basically marked the beginning of the war between the colonies and Britain. Thomas Paine's publication of "Common Sense," would receive an 8 because it told the colonists why they they should have independence. The Declaration of Independence would of course receive a 10 because the colonists finally got what they fought for, which was independence.

hyphyqueen408 said...

The Intolerable Acts i would rank a 5, because it was a way of trying to address colonial greivences and it also lead to the convening ot the first Continental Congress. I rank the First Contental Congress a 6 because it lead to the unity which sparked the idea to unite as one against Britain. The Stamp Act i would give a 7 because of the fact that the colonist got aggravated with the idea of getting taxed without even being there, hence the phrase ¨No taxation without Represtaion¨. The Battle of Lexington and Concord i would rank an 8, because they were both battles which lead up to the American Revolution. I would also rank the Boston Massacre an 8, because of the fact that colonist were able to justify and proove the unfairness of british military which would give them even more of a reason to rebel and want to become free from the mother land. The Boston Tea Party i would rank a 9 beacuse, it showed what we , amercians, were willing and capable to do to make the statment noticed that we wanted to become independent. Thomas Plains "common Sense" i would rank a 9 ,beacuse it lead to the writing of the constitution wchih after sparking the plug of being independant was a huge change in the colonist way of thinking at the time, it also was a form of denouncing british rule.

hyphyqueen408 said...

i give so much props to the person who was the first to go cuz it was hard for me personally to find an order which i thought seemed to be anotomically correct.

hyphyqueen408 said...

lucky i was an honest mistake i would of done it myself if i hadnt seen yours earlier:}

Kayvman625 said...

It's a bit late but here it is...

Stamp Act-6.5- Although the British felt that the Stamp Act was quite reasonable since they provided America a military defense against the native Americans in the outbreak of Pontiac's Rebellion, the Americans ranted that the Stamp Act was taxation without representation, saying that no American shall be taxed without his consent. This gave the Americans a reason to oppose of the British, having both men and women ( especially those who don't normally take part in public events) to protest publicly. Their protests helped sparked American resistance through out the colonies.

Townshend Tea Tax-3- Although the Americans were already relieved from their victory over the Stamp Acts, they were still in a rebellious mood, since restless colonists felt that paying British taxes in any form violated their rights as Americans. This event was not taken seriously though due to the fact that the new tax was indirect.

Boston Massacre-8- This event was not actually intended by the British government, but really a nervous reaction that a squad of 10 Redcoats had after being taunted and harassed by an angry mob that was upset of the death of an 11 year old boy that was killed in an earlier protest. The taunting resulted the Redcoats to shoot fire without orders, killing 4 at the scene and having another die days later, and wounding 6. The colonists took this incident very personally against the British troops and government.

Boston Tea Party-7- This showed the Americans first act of rebellion against the British government after having to believe that they were being tricked into paying taxes by buying cheap tea the British presented. Many colonists viewed that the demonstration of Bostonian men disguised as Indians throwing crates of tea into the sea as inspiring saying that the tea was "a badge of slavery" while others criticised that the destruction of private property was against even their own law.

Intolerable Acts-8- What these acts basically did was that it limited the rights of Americans and gave the British unfair privileges. This Angered many Americans. These acts eventually led to the formation of the First Continental Congress.

First Continental Congress-5-
This was formed to redress colonial grievances. They created the The Association to boycott British goods and sought to repeal the acts (which succeeded) although they are not calling for independence yet, as they would call in the Second Continental Congress.

Battle of Lexington-9- this was the first actual engagement into the American Revolutionary War between the colonies and the British.

Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"-9.5- called out for a republic (for the people, by the people.) The colonists already were well prepared for his callings being already experienced with governance. It made them want to put an end to hierarchical rule among the colonies.

Declaration of Independence-10- It marked the union of the colonies to revolt against British rule over the colonies.

Kayvman625 said...

i disagree with lucky saying that all the factors that are listed would be rated an 8, because each of those factors have different level of severity of what angered the colonists and what made them ask for change and independence.

Kayvman625 said...

I also disagree with myself right now because I put a 9.5 for Thomas Paine's "Common Sense". After reviewing it, it would seem that their discontent levels wouldn't be that high since the pamphlet itself didn't actually spur any violence. But then again, ideas from the Declaration of Independence were derived from the pamphlet, which was also a major factor that led Americans into the Revolutionary war. So, I don't know.

Kayvman625 said...
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