Thursday, March 6, 2008

Unit 2 Review Assignment due 3/21!!!

Unit 2 Review Assignment (this assignment will help prepare you for the review portion on the test!)

Review Questions are going to focus on Chapters 13, 14, and 15 from the American Pageant and Chapters 8, 9,10 and 11 of the Review Book.

Sectionalism - Create a chart that highlights the key sectional issues facing the regions of the North, South, and West. Your chart must include information on how each section felt about tariffs, the National Bank, Land Policy, Native Americans, Slavery, and States’ Rights. Mr. Wise has a copy of the chart or you can make the chart on your own piece of paper.

Mass Democracy – Create a list of the major changes in politics from 1824-1840. Your list should help you answer the question: “Why is this time period considered the age of mass democracy?”

Immigration - Create a t-chart comparing Irish and German immigration. Your chart should include push/pull factors, major contributions, reaction/response.

The National Economy – Create a list of the major factors that contributed to the growth of a national economy by 1860. Include information on the westward movement, immigration, the factory system, commercial agriculture, and the transportation revolution.

Reform Movements, 1790-1860 – Create a list of the major reform movements up to 1860. Be sure to include their contributions to American culture and society and their lasting impact, if any.

Key topics that will show up on the review test: Erie Canal, cotton gin, “corrupt bargain”, spoils system, Jackson’s war on the Bank of the United States, Indian removal, the formation of the two-party system, Irish and German immigration, major transportation innovations, industrial workers before 1860, the sewing machine, temperance before 1860, Deists, Second Great Awakening and “camp meetings”, Second Great Awakening and the feminization of religion, public education before 1860, Dorothea Dix, Horace Mann, Brigham Young, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Utopian Communities, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, transcendentalists.


Aalairius said...

Do we just pick one? or do them all?

Aalairius said...
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